MPPS Calendar of Events
1st School photographs
Wednesday 3rd Grade 3/4 healthy eating incursion (Eat4Life)
5th End of Term 1 early dismissal 2.30pm
Years 3 - 6 Cross Country Trials 9am - 11am
FREE sausage sizzle for all students at lunchtime
All students from Foundation to 6 can wear house colours
22nd Easter Monday - No School
23rd Term 2 commences
25th Anzac Day Public holiday
May 7 - 9 Middle School Science Incursion
May 14 - 24 NAPLAN for Grades 3 and 5
Monday 13th Walk Safely to School Week begins
Thursday 16th Kingston Junior Mayor for School Captains and Vice Captains
Welcome to Cameron's Corner
What a term its been and who could believe it's nearly over already. All of our wonderful students have been busy setting goals, building on the learning and setting new goals with a sense of pride and satisfaction. I was showing a prospective family through the school last week and their first observation was how settled and engaged all of our students were so when I explained this is how our school is everyday she was most impressed at the idea of this being the school for her and her family.
As some of you may know Officeworks Mentone opened recently and as part of their introduction to the community they presented our school with a cheque for $2000. They are also running a colouring and writing competition so head down and check out our students work.
Next Friday is the last day for Term 1 so to celebrate we will be holding a free sausage sizzle for our students at lunchtime as well as all parents and siblings after school. Our assembly will be held at 2pm (Outdoors weather permitting) with a 2:30pm dismissal. We welcome all parents and care givers and invite you along to grab a sausage in bread and watch the much anticipated Easter Raffle. With all of your donations we anticipate there will be approximately 40 prizes so get there early for a prompt 2 pm start.
As the Middle and Senior students will be participating in the Cross Country Trials, all students can wear their house colours. New students, including Foundation will be informed of their house early next week.
Our Grade 6 students are currently wearing their newly designed T-shirts, with hoodies due to arrive in the first week back of Term 2. Check out the new design which adds to the already smart uniform proudly worn by all of our students.
Have a great weekend and don't forget photos on Monday.
What a term its been and who could believe it's nearly over already. All of our wonderful students have been busy setting goals, building on the learning and setting new goals with a sense of pride and satisfaction. I was showing a prospective family through the school last week and their first observation was how settled and engaged all of our students were so when I explained this is how our school is everyday she was most impressed at the idea of this being the school for her and her family.
As some of you may know Officeworks Mentone opened recently and as part of their introduction to the community they presented our school with a cheque for $2000. They are also running a colouring and writing competition so head down and check out our students work.
Next Friday is the last day for Term 1 so to celebrate we will be holding a free sausage sizzle for our students at lunchtime as well as all parents and siblings after school. Our assembly will be held at 2pm (Outdoors weather permitting) with a 2:30pm dismissal. We welcome all parents and care givers and invite you along to grab a sausage in bread and watch the much anticipated Easter Raffle. With all of your donations we anticipate there will be approximately 40 prizes so get there early for a prompt 2 pm start.
As the Middle and Senior students will be participating in the Cross Country Trials, all students can wear their house colours. New students, including Foundation will be informed of their house early next week.
Our Grade 6 students are currently wearing their newly designed T-shirts, with hoodies due to arrive in the first week back of Term 2. Check out the new design which adds to the already smart uniform proudly worn by all of our students.
Have a great weekend and don't forget photos on Monday.
Assistant Principal
What a fantastic day it was! The splashes of orange people
added to their clothes, hair or skin looked fantastic and set up a real sense
of excitement from the very start of the day. Students worked in multi-age
groups and rotated through three activities, making some ‘helping hands’ some
Harmony Badges and participating in team building and problem solving games
outside. We then enjoyed a whole school mini-picnic on the oval before
recess. Children had an early lunch
where an array of multicultural themed foods were shared with their grades.
Thank you to all families who contributed some yummy treats for the children to
The whole school joined in singing our Harmony Day song
“Everyone Belongs” as it played over the loud speakers after lunch. This song will be performed by the whole
school at assembly. Each level will also
be performing a special harmony themed song they have been learning in their
music lessons. If you can make it to assembly this week the children would love
to sing for you!
If you are on Facebook, please like our Mentone Park Primary
School page and you can see all the photos from Harmony Day, along with other
school events and special moments that are posted on there.
Congratulations to our four artists who have had their
artwork selected to be displayed at the new Officeworks in Mentone. Official
opening of the new store is this weekend. All visitors to the store will be
given the chance to vote for their favourite art piece from all the local
schools and the winning student and school will receive some great prizes from
Officeworks. Make sure you vote if you get a chance to drop in to the store!
Well done and good luck to Kiara, Eva, Layla and Carla.
Well done and good luck to Kiara, Eva, Layla and Carla.
Have a great week!
Alison Lough
Assistant Principal

On Friday April 5, we are holding a Secondhand uniform sale and also 'free to a good home' for black shorts/pants.
When: Friday April 5
Where: Performing Arts room
Time: 1.30pm – 2.00pm (before assembly)
Payment: Cash only
Items for sale:
• Polo shirts (short & long sleeve) $2
• Winter tunic dresses $5
• Jackets $5
Thank you
Have a great week!
Alison Lough
Assistant Principal

On Friday April 5, we are holding a Secondhand uniform sale and also 'free to a good home' for black shorts/pants.
When: Friday April 5
Where: Performing Arts room
Time: 1.30pm – 2.00pm (before assembly)
Payment: Cash only
Items for sale:
• Polo shirts (short & long sleeve) $2
• Winter tunic dresses $5
• Jackets $5
Thank you
Working With Children Check Reminder
All parents/guardians, visitors & volunteers to the school MUST sign in & out of the school and display their WWCC in a lanyard, which is available at the school office.
The Department of Education requires any person involved in an activity where children may be present to have a current WWCC or have supplied proof that they have applied for a WWCC with the Department of Justice. All schools are required to comply with the Working with Children Act 2005.
Volunteers are expected to carry the WWCC card on their person at all times when working or volunteering at the school or during school related activities.
There is no fee for this check. Apply now by visiting:
The Department of Education requires any person involved in an activity where children may be present to have a current WWCC or have supplied proof that they have applied for a WWCC with the Department of Justice. All schools are required to comply with the Working with Children Act 2005.
Volunteers are expected to carry the WWCC card on their person at all times when working or volunteering at the school or during school related activities.
There is no fee for this check. Apply now by visiting: