Dear Parents and FriendsYou will be receiving this newsletter via our new newsletter page. I hope you find this easier to read and access. We are also currently updating our website and looking at implementing a school app to make communication and access to information easier. If you would like to provide any feedback on this, or any other changes we have made this year, we would welcome your comments. Please drop us a line via the school email, or drop a note into the office.
Wow - there is so much to report on in this newsletter, we have had such a busy and exciting time at MPPS these last few weeks!
The big news of course is the fete.
Congratulations to our wonderful fete committee and all the stall conveners and helpers who supported the Kids' Crazy Carnival last Saturday. It was a big day, starting with setting up on Friday night and from 7:00am on Saturday to the packing up which finished about 7:00pm.
In between was the fete itself and what a great event it was. From dodgem cars to face painting, to hunting for lollies and tossing coins at chocolate blocks, it really was a Crazy Kids' Carnival with something for everyone. We received some lovely feedback from visitors saying what a community atmosphere our fete had and how enjoyable it was for children. I really think we have a great focus on kids for this event which is what makes it so lovely.
We do not have a final figure yet - but hope to publish this first week of next term.
Enjoy some of the photos of the day below.
Monday was our whole school celebration day for the end of out "Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Healthy Soul" inquiry unit. Well done to Mrs Grisdale who organised this wonderful day.
Thank you to the wonderful parents who came along to the Parents and Friends' Association Annual General Meeting last week, and especially to those who have offered to take on office bearer positions. See the report further down.
On Monday night we held our School Council Annual General Meeting where i presented our 2014 Annual Report. This will shortly be available on our website.
Following the AGM we held the first meeting of our new School Councillors. Congratulations to Nicky Langhorne and Maria Fakitopoulos on their nomination and selection for Council. Our 2015 School Council consists of:
- Andrew Davis (President)
- Martin Walker (Vic-President)
- Nicky Langhorne (Treasurer)
- Fiona Longmuir
- Maria Fakitopoulos
- Alison Lough (Secretary)
- Cameron Riley
- Kendra Parker (Executive Officer)
We also farewelled 3 School Council members on Monday night. Thank you to the following members for their dedication and support to our school:
- Rob Horrigan - 5 years, with 4 of them as treasurer. His support and knowledge of our school and its finances will be greatly missed.
- Tanya Stefanec - 2 years
- Vincent Clarke - 2 years
It's hard to believe the end of the term is already upon us - they say time flies when you are having fun!
Don't forget our early assembly on Friday at 1:50pm, followed by dismissal at 2:30pm.
Wishing you all a safe and happy holidays,
Kendra Parker
I can’t believe Term One is just about over already! I would
really like to thank everyone for making my first term at Mentone Park so
enjoyable. I am really looking forward to the rest of the year!
Last week at our staff meeting, we spent time going through
all the terrific well-being programs we have at Mentone Park. We looked at the
relevance of these programs and how they support our students in their social
and emotional learning. It was a great exercise and we will now be looking at
how we implement the Department of Education’s new Social and Emotional
Learning Curriculum. We will be one of the first Primary Schools to use this
new resource.
Last week we participated in The National Day of Action against
Bullying and Violence along with more than 890,000 students from over 1950
other schools. The theme of this day was ‘taking a stand together’. We aimed to
send a clear and powerful message that bullying and violence are not okay at
any time.
Some of the work students completed as a part of this event
are on display in classrooms and also near the office. Do log on to the Bullying. No Way! website to find out
more information. There is a section specifically for parents and also for
We were proud
to play a part in this important, positive initiative and for joining the
nationwide movement to say, "Bullying. No Way!"
Alison Lough
Parents and Friends Association Update
The PFA AGM was held on Wednesday 18th March and we
congratulate the new office bearers: Wendy Davis (President); Natalie Hampson
(Vice-President); Wendy Davis & Louise Cook (Fundraising Coordinators);
Cheryl Nancarrow (Treasurer) and Fiona Longmuir (Secretary). Thank you to those
who attended the meeting and offered their support for the many events that the
PFA coordinate. The aim of PFA is to run fun activities that the kids love and enjoy and also to develop our sense of community by connecting parents with the school. Our activities include: the Welcome BBQ; the Easter Raffle; Mother’s and Father’s Day Breakfasts and Stalls; Italian Day; Book Fairs; Morning Teas; Prep Transition Sports Day; Tea & Tissues (first day of the year only) and the popular Disco. The PFA will need more assistance to be able to manage these activities throughout this year.
If you are interested in helping or being involved with any of these events or just want to know what is happening around the school (you don’t have to be a PFA member) or are interested in joining the PFA - always good to see some new faces (no commitment), please contact a PFA member, or drop a note to the school with your details and someone will contact you. This is a great way to meet new families and the kids love seeing you at school. There is no pressure. You can do as little or as much as you choose or simply come by and sit in on a meeting and listen over a coffee. Siblings are most welcome.
So far this year the PFA has run the very successful Welcome BBQ. The popular Easter Raffle will be drawn at the final assembly for the term (Friday 27th March), make sure you’ve got your tickets in! Next term we will be working on celebrations for Mother’s Day and supporting the Italian program by arranging the Italian Day lunch. Don’t forget to let us know if you can help!
We will be trialling alternating meetings this year - one morning and one evening per term.
Our next meeting is Wednesday 6th May at 7.00pm
All Welcome!
Saturday 8th August
More details to come...
New smoking bans to
apply on school grounds and at school entrances
From 13th April 2015, smoking will be banned
within four metres of an entrance to all primary and secondary schools in
Victoria, and within the school grounds, under an amendment to the Tobacco
Act 1987.
17th 2O & 5 / 6 S
24th 2R & 5D
1st 1 / 2 U & 6W
8th PS & 3/4 G
15th PM & 3 / 4 O
22nd 1O & 3 / 4 S
29th 1B & 3 / 4 H
5th 2O & 5 / 6 S
12th 2R & 5D
19th 1/2 U & 6W
25th cleaning,
all welcome |
26th closed,
last day of term |
I look forward to seeing you in the café.
Liz & the Kids’ Café Team
Healthy Mind, Healthy Body, Healthy Soul Celebration Day
The day started with an abundance of healthy, delicious food
for our bodies. Jodie O’Sullivan, one of our hard working parents, had
organised a scrumptious selection of fruit, breads, buns, gluten free treats,
frozen yoghurt and drinks from local suppliers for students and parents to
sample on arrival at school. Harold the Giraffe from Life Education was
there to greet the families and remind them of healthy messages we learnt in
Life Education.
A group of parents joined Kylee from Life Skills for a
morning yoga session- what an energising and positive way to start the day.
Throughout the day all students worked through a range of
activities to promote a Healthy Mind, Body and Soul. Dr Barb Harper and
her assistant Dave reminded us all of ways to keep a healthy heart through a
range of investigations and experiments. Lyndall and Kate from Peak Potential
talked about the spine health and sugar content in our food.
Students attended their final session of the 5 week yoga
program with Kylee from Life Skills . The air of calm was palpable by the
end of each session. It was great to also have some parents join in with
their children during the yoga.
All levels participated in activities for their soul
including creating Happiness collages and displays, paper cranes for peace
and goodwill and displays illustrating the activities that make their
soul sing and random acts of kindness at school, home and the wider world.
Finally, the students exercised their bodies playing rugby
and basketball games and squad activities at lunchtime.
There are many people who contributed to the success of the
day so a BIG thank you to:
Jodie O’Sullivan and the breakfast sponsors: Bakers
Delight Thrift Park, Soul Fresh, Gluten free 4 U, Sciclunas, Hidden Pantry,
Chandler Corner Café.
- Harold and Grant from Life Education
- Barb and Dave Harper
- Kate and Lyndall from Peak Potential
- Kylee Mason Life Skills
- Holly – Melbourne Storm NRL
- Nathan – Sabres Basketball
Let’s build on the positive messages we learnt through this
Sue Grisdale
Thank you to these companies who donated food for our Healthy Mind, Healthy Body, Healthy Soul Celebration Day.
Things to remember these holidays
Active April begins the 1st April –it’s not too late to sign up! Create your own login in details and then scroll down and “Request to join a team.” Different teams to join:
Team ID: mpps-super-star-students
Team Name: MPPS Super Star Students
Team ID: mpps-super-star-parents
Team Name: MPPS Super Star Parents
Team ID: mpps-super-star-teachers
Team Name: MPPS Super Star Teachers
Jump rope for heart – sponsorship forms have been given out and it’s now time to start fundraising! Our “Jump Off Day” is Thursday 22nd May with lots of fun activities and sport prizes, be sure to keep practising your great skipping skills J
Don’t forget to keep up the great work of being healthy and active these holidays!
Miss L
Team ID: mpps-super-star-students
Team Name: MPPS Super Star Students
Team ID: mpps-super-star-parents
Team Name: MPPS Super Star Parents
Team ID: mpps-super-star-teachers
Team Name: MPPS Super Star Teachers
Jump rope for heart – sponsorship forms have been given out and it’s now time to start fundraising! Our “Jump Off Day” is Thursday 22nd May with lots of fun activities and sport prizes, be sure to keep practising your great skipping skills J
Don’t forget to keep up the great work of being healthy and active these holidays!
Miss L
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