Dear Parents and Friends
Welcome to term 3! It has been a smooth start for our students with everyone settled back into school routines. Some of the exciting activities planned for this term include Book Week parade, Satellite Club (Year 3/4 selected students), our first year 3/4 camp, Grandparents' Day (Prep students) and swimming. We look forward to an exciting 10 weeks!
This week we farewell long term staff member Carol Drinkwater, who has worked as an integration aide at Mentone Park for just over 25 years (and was a parent at the school prior to that!). Carol has been a much loved member of staff, supporting many children in her 25 years at MPPS. Carol has been on leave for this year, but last week officially retired.
From sick bay to staff room, classrooms and camps, Carol has shared her care and concern for students across the whole school.
As we farewell a long term staff member, we welcome a new one with Mrs Alison Lough taking up the position of Assistant Principal for another year at MPPS. Mr Kick has decided to take another year of leave to continue his work with Master Card and Qkr. I guess we just can't compete with those business class trips and long lunches!
Jack Wayne Drummond |
Congratulations this week also to Mrs Kate Drummond and her husband Glen who welcomed baby Jack last week, a brother for Harry. Mum and bub are home and enjoying getting to know each other.
Berendale School work experience students - Kaitlin, Angel and Harvey |
Say hello to our new Kids' Cafe` helpers - Kaitlin, Angel and Harvey. They are work experience students from Berendale School who are training in hospitality. They will be helping out every Friday of term, so say hello and make them feel welcome.
The year 6 students have been enjoying an action packed camp this week with reports of canoeing adventures, fun at the beach, games, hiking and much more! From all reports there will be some very exhausted children returning on the bus tomorrow afternoon! We look forward to sharing some photos and student reports in the next newsletter and in the Level 4 Newsletter next week.

Please do not phone the school office to check on the arrival time of the bus, this information will be posted on tiqbiz so you will receive an instant notification to advise you of the pick up time. If you have not yet downloaded the app yet, please do so!
Kendra Parker
Next week sees the completion of the Bully Prevention program which all students have participated in throughout term 2. To celebrate their hard work and cement the understandings gained throughout this program, there will be a special performance called "The NED Show" for all students on the 4th August in the school hall. There is no payment required for students to attend the show, but there will be an opportunity for students to purchase a yoyo in the week following the show. More information on this will come home in a brochure next week.
This Week's Focus: Cyber bullying
Cyber bullying is becoming very prevalent due to the easy access to the internet and the increased skill of users. Teachers have discussed this topic with the students in class.
What you can do?
"Cyber bullying involves the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behaviour by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others." (Bill Belsey:
Sadly, bullying behaviour is nothing new. However, people can and do use their phones and their computers to make this problem so much bigger and so much worse.
Bullies can be people you know, but sometimes passers-by can join in because they believe they’re anonymous and can’t be traced. Wrong!
Every word, every action leaves a digital footprint that can be tracked right to the bully’s virtual front door.
Bullies will be found out eventually.
This kind of bullying can happen in school, or out of it. It can happen any hour of the day or night. It can leave someone feeling unsafe, and horribly alone.
No one has the right to bully another person.
No one is expected to put up with it. At its most serious. Cyber bullying is illegal and can be investigated by the police. However, even when it’s teasing or a joke that’s got out of hand, there are steps you can take to stop the bullies and take back control:
· ignore it: often this is enough to make the bully go away
· block the bully
· tell someone: tell your Mum or Dad, or another adult you trust. Or you can call a helpline (like the Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800)
· keep the evidence: this can be useful in tracking the bully down
· report it:-
-To your school - they have policies in place about bullying and cyber bullying
-To your ISP/phone provider – there are actions they can take to help
-To the police – if there is a threat to your safety the police will help.
Monday morning saw us welcoming some unexpected guests to school by way of this very large hot air balloon! They did not have quite enough lift to make it to the Moorabin Airport for landing and decided our soccer field looked like a friendly spot to place down and give the students a thrill!
It provided great entertainment to the students and there was a lot of exciting conversation and impromptu discussions and writing tasks about the event taking place throughout the morning!
Alison Lough
As part of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s Health and Safety Management Plan, new labelling will be installed at our school.
The labels remind people to contact school reception prior to undertaking any works at the school, to ensure they have up-to-date information from the school’s asbestos register.
Asbestos - which was used extensively in building materials in the past but is now banned - is considered safe unless damaged or in poor condition.
The new labels form part of a comprehensive program to ensure Victorian government schools remain safe.
Children’s safety is our number one priority. That is why we are taking this extra step as a precaution.
All visitors to the school must come to the school office to obtain a visitor's pass and sign in. Please also remember to return to the school office to sign out and return your visitor's pass.
If you know you are going to collect your child/ren during recess or lunchtime you must come to the school office. We recommend you send a note to the class teacher requesting the child/ren meet you at the office.
Thank you.
Hello Again from School Council,
I hope you are all keeping warm in this cold weather and your children enjoyed their break over the holidays.
The capital works program has been put on hold until late this year/early next year due to the long tender process, this will mean students will not be disrupted in their learning , however we will have to still put up with the not so nice smelling toilets.
Term 2 was once again very busy for school council and the sub committees.
The Mother’s day stall was once again supported very well. Some great work done by the PFA committee.
The End of term barbeque was a great way to finish term 2, well done to the PFA as was the biggest morning Tea.
Italian Day was another fun day for the Students. Ciao Bravo!!
Kids' Café has struggled somewhat this term and thanks to Liz and her dedicated helpers for continuing to provide the children with healthy food on Fridays. Unfortunately without your support the Kids' Café may not open on some weeks and that would be terrible given the great support it has received over the years. It would be very sad if we are unable to keep it going.
Term 2 also saw the transition of the Uniform shop to Primary School Wear. A big thank you for all the volunteers that ran it throughout the year. I believe we still have some items (2nd hand) still available through the office.
School council continues to monitor our buildings and grounds and apart from the working bees, we have the services of Frank Sampieri who does a fantastic job of maintaining the school grounds. We also continue to monitor the trees within our grounds and have removed or reduced the amount of dead or dying trees to safe guard the students.
We are in the process of obtaining quotes for the installation of security cameras within the school to ensure the safety of our children whilst at school and additionally the whole school and equipment after hours. Whilst we live within a very safe environment we need to ensure all aspects are covered.
Term 3 sees the Schools strategic review take place, where the School leaders and members of School Council will participate in a very broad and in depth review of MPPS, the way it is today and how we would like to see it progress over the next 3 to 5 years.
The grade 6 and grade 3 and 4 school camps are also coming up .
Please do not forget the Parent Social evening is coming up in August and is a great way to meet other parents from MPPS and have a great night out.
It is the small things that we do that can help our School to grow and prosper for our children, any assistance you can provide whether it be a working bee or Fundraising/PFA function or event.
Best regards,
Andrew Davis
School Council President
Here is the calendar of events for this term. It will be updated fortnightly.
Get in quick, as there are a limited number of tickets available.
We are seeking donations for our Parent Social Evening to be held on Friday 7th August 2015 at Seed Cafe, Mordialloc.
There will be a small number of auction items available as well as a “balloon pop” – pop a balloon and win a prize!
We would be grateful if over the coming week’s, either dining out or just being out and about, if you wouldn’t mind asking the establishment you’re visiting, if they would like to donate to our school function.
We are aiming for between 50 and 100 prizes.
Favourite ‘Book Character’ Parade
Monday 24th August 2014
To celebrate Book Week the students are encouraged to dress up as their favourite ‘book character’. They will participate in a morning parade and then work in multi-age groups exploring a range of literacy based activities.
Who is your child’s favourite character from a book?
Stay tuned for further details.
Please note your child received the latest book club issue this week, if you could please have orders in by Monday 27th July that would be great.
Kathryn and Jenny
Book Club Coordinators
We are currently collecting the Woolworths Earn and Learn Stickers.
Families, please can you ask for the stickers when you shop at
Woolworths? If you shop at the Thrift
Park store we have a collection box there.
You can also deposit stickers in the box near the office at school.
The stickers will be redeemed for equipment to support our
programmes here at Mentone Park.
We require new 4 litre plastic ice-cream containers for our water saving program. Please deliver to Mrs Unwin's room.
Thank you
Noela Unwin
Hydraulic Splitter
If anyone has access to a Hydraulic Splitter or knows of someone we may approach to borrow one, could you please contact the school office,
Here is the Kids Cafe class roster for the rest of the year. Please note that there is a new link for the online roster;
If your class are not rostered on you are still most welcome to come along, but please use the link so that I know who is helping me on that day.
Thanks very much,
24th - PM & 3/4O
31st - 1O & 3/4S
7th - 1B & 3/4H
14th - 2O & 5/6S
21st - 2R & 5D
28th - 1/2U & 6W
4th - prep to 2
11th - grades 3 to 6
17th - clean up - all welcome
9th - PS & 3/4G
16th - PM & 3/4O
23rd - 1O & 3/4S
30th - 1B & 3/4H
6th - 2O & 5/6S
13th - 2R & 5D
20th - 1/2U & 6W
27th - prep to 2
4th - grades 3 to 6
11th - clean up - all welcome
If you would like your child in Grade 2-6 to learn the piano in school hours at Mentone Park Primary School please contact Mrs Millard (B.MUS. Ed) on 9583 6172 or mob. 0418 629 586.
WOW another term down, and same
with the school holiday program. What fun we did have, we all played
different challenges that encouraged everyone to have fun and smile.
Anicca and Leah have returned back to work from the Philippines!!! Hooray
A polite reminder to all the parents next Thursday is Curriculum Day and if your child needs care on that day please remember to book in advance so we have the right staff ratio.
We hope you are enjoying your week!!!
From Jo and OSHC Team
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