Dear Parents and Friends,
Anne, Lisa, Gail, Jennifer, Alison and Jane, we thank you!
Happy ES Month!
Happy ES Month!
If you couldn't make it to this one, please put the date for the term 4 working bee in your calendars (Sunday the 15th November)!
Planning for 2016
It won't be long before we need to make decisions regarding class placements for 2016. It is imperative that we have accurate enrolment records in order to make the best decisions for students at each year level. If you have a child starting Prep in 2016, please get your enrolment forms in by the end of next week. Also, if you know of any other families who are going to be moving into the area or have spoken to you about having their children attend Mentone Park next year, please encourage them to get their enrolment details in asap or contact the office to arrange a school tour with me. If your child will not be attending Mentone Park next year, please inform the office of this also (this does not include Grade 6 students heading off to secondary school).
Thank you to the families who have signed up to our school communication app - tiqbiz. The feedback around the use of this tool for communication has been extremely positive. It won't be long before all communication between school and home including newsletters, notices, messages, permission forms, absences and links are all being sent via tiqbiz only as we move away from paper notices and letters. Please download the tiqbiz app (free) from the app store if you have not done so already. School information can also be found on our website. If you still require a paper copy of notices you can request this at the office.
School Start Time
Please remember that the school opens for students to come in at 8.45am. We encourage students to come in at this time and put their bags away, change their take-home books, read quietly, practise spelling words or times tables, get work books and stationary ready for their first lesson and have a calm and positive start to their school day. No students are to be in the school buildings prior to 8.45 unless they are enrolled in before school care.
3/4 Camp
Next Wednesday our Grade 3 and 4 students and teachers head of to camp Angahook at Airey's Inlet along the Great Ocean Road. We wish them all an exciting and safe 3 days and 2 nights. For many students, this will be their first school camp. If I can offer any advice, to the students it would be get lots of sleep and don't forget to pack plenty of pairs of socks and of course your teddy bear to cuddle at night! To the parents - enjoy your 2 nights of peace and quiet!
Alison Lough
Book Week - Dress Up as Your Favourite Book Character
Monday 24th August
9:10 Book
character dress up parade
9:30 Multi
age activities in classrooms
Come and
enjoy the fun. Everyone is welcome!
National Science Week 15-24th August 2015
Did you know that this week is National Science Week? Science is an integral part of our lives. This year’s theme for Science Week is Making Waves – the Science of Light.Light is everywhere and is fundamental to our existence. In fact, photosynthesis is at the origin of all life. Light enables us to enjoy a rainbow, scan our purchases at the supermarket, conduct researches at a synchrotron, take photos and x rays, study the cosmos and read a book at night to name just a few things.
There are many activities which have been organised to celebrate and explore scientific ideas and principles.
Some of the events include:
Market of the Mind at Queensbridge Square and Living Science at the Queen Victoria Market presented by the City of Melbourne in partnership with the CSIRO. Market of the Mind will feature the unique talents of scientists, ice sculptors, cabaret performers and musicians, while Living Science offers families the opportunity to investigate the DNA of strawberries, make their own fizzing lollies and put chocolate under the microscope.
Neural Knitworks: Whether you’re a whiz with yarn, or just discovering the joy of craft- crochet wrap, knit or knot—and find out about neuroscience. In 2015, the Neural Knitworks team invites you to create your own home-grown Neural Knitwork for National Science Week. Together we’ll create a giant ‘virtual’ neural network by linking your displays visually online.Your creation can be big or small, part of a formal display, or simply consist of neighbourhood neuron ‘yarn-bombings’. Knitworks can be created at home, at work or at school. No knitting experience is required and all ages can participate.
See the 2014 gallery for yarn craft inspiration.
Neural Knitworks is based on the principle that yarn craft, with its mental challenges, social connection and mindfulness, helps keep our brains and minds sharp, engaged and healthy.
Have fun as you:
- design your own woolly neurons, or get inspired by our scientifically-informed knitting, crochet or knot patterns;
- natter with neuroscientists and teach them a few of your crafty tricks;
- contribute to a travelling textile brain exhibition;
- increase your attention span and test your memory;
- calm your mind and craft your own brain health as you forge friendships;
- solve creative and mental challenges;
- practise mindfulness and relaxation;
- teach and learn;
- develop eye-hand coordination and fine motor dexterity.
Neurons are electrically excitable cells of the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. The billions of neurons in your body connect to each other in neural networks. They receive signals from every sense, control movement, create memories, and form the neural basis of every thought.
For ideas and patterns to use for your project visit the link If you do create a neural knitwork I’d love to see a photo of them – or bring one in to school to show me.
For more information about National Science Week visit the website
Let’s get thinking and creating.
Sue Grisdale
Here is the calendar of events for this term. It will be updated fortnightly.
What better way to celebrate a great athletics seasons than a mini athletics day!
Friday 21st August – 8:50am to 10:40am
Parents are welcome to come help and support students on the day.
9:00- 9:15
9:20- 9:35
11 yrs
9:40 – 9:55
10:00 – 10:15
10:20- 30
Presentation & pack up
Please make sure students are at school no later than 8:50 so they can be placed in their age groups before the event commences.
Hope LaycockP.E Teacher
The PFA need helpers for the following events:
Father’s Day Stall and Father’s Day
Breakfast on 3rd September;
Footy Day
Lunch on 18th September;
Art Show on 14th October;
School Disco on 29th October.
If you are available to help at these events please write
your name on the sign-up sheets on the Community Notice Board.
We have one Entertainment Book at $65.00 for sale. If you would like to purchase it, please contact the Office.
We are currently collecting the Woolworths Earn and Learn Stickers. Families, please can you ask for the stickers when you shop at Woolworths? If you shop at the Thrift Park store we have a collection box there. You can also deposit stickers in the box near the office at school.
The stickers will be redeemed for equipment to support our programmes here at Mentone Park.
We have had some very busy weeks in the Kids Cafe and I am very grateful to the fabulous team of regulars and class volunteers who come to help out. We have been a bit short on rostered class helpers over the last couple of months, so please could you check the roster below and try to come on your class’ day. We love the help but the kids love it more! This is the roster for the rest of this term.
Aug 21st - 2R & 5D
28th - 1/2U & 6W
Sept 4th - prep to 2
11th - grades 3 to 6
17th - clean up - all welcome
You may have heard rumours that pizzas are coming back on the menu…this is true, we are thinking about bringing them back for term 4 BUT ONLY if we can find volunteers to make the pizza bases! I currently have two mums who are willing to come in once a fortnight and I need at least two more to alternate with them. It’s a job that can be done on any day that suits (but obviously not Friday) and takes a couple of hours. Please contact me (0413 009493) if you are interested.
We need to make a few alterations to the ovens and benches in the cafe and I’m putting the call out to any builder parents who might be interested. I’d love to get this done in the next holidays so please contact me asap as I will need to find someone outside of the school community if no one is interested.
Thank you
Liz & the Kids Cafe Team
If you would like your child in Grade 2-6 to learn the piano in school hours at Mentone Park Primary School please contact Mrs Millard (B.MUS. Ed) on 9583 6172 or mob. 0418 629 586.
This week at before and After School Care:
To make it possible for us to contact casual staff in time it is essential to book as far in advance as possible. Please also note if your child is booked into basketball or netball program as well as after school care, please let your child know to check in with us before they head of. For the safety of the children booked in with us it is important we know where they are at all times!
The last few weeks of our program has included lots of dress ups, soccer and cardboard boxes for a wide range of activities!
Joanna is off on holidays for two weeks. Leah and casual staff will be helping out!
We are enjoying our week and hope you are too!
F rom Anicca and the OSCH team
Joanna is off on holidays for two weeks. Leah and casual staff will be helping out!
We are enjoying our week and hope you are too!
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