Dear Parents and Friends
What a wonderful year we are already having at Mentone Park! In the last week students have enjoyed House Swimming, Beach Swimming (Senior School), Tri-Skills and the Welcome BBQ and Play Date. We are so lucky to have such dedicated teachers and parents to support the running of such great programs and activities.
Last week we ran very successful information nights, followed by our parent forums; and this week we had our "Meet the Teacher" sessions. All of these events were well attended and I have received some excellent feedback from parents about how useful and interesting these were. Remember, if you have any questions about school life, you can look in our Parent Handbook, which is on our website.
Also, you do not have to wait for an invitation to see your child's teacher. If you would like to have a meeting to discuss your child's learning or any other relevant issues, you can contact the school to make an appointment.
During our work on High Expectations, we are also introducing the children (and parents!) to the concept of having a "growth mindset". If we have a growth mindset, we believe that we can develop our intelligence, creativity and character through dedication and hard work. Students who have a growth mindset can focus on improvement instead of worrying about how smart they are. They work hard to learn more and get smarter. Research in this area shows that students who learn this mindset show greater motivation in school, better grades, and higher test scores.
You can learn more about growth mindsets from many sources on the Internet, here is one as a starting point: The Science of Growth Mindsets
In classrooms we are teaching children to develop a growth mindset by changing their thinking. Examples of this which we are using can be found on the link below. Print off a copy and keep it handy - how can you use these ideas to help develop your child's growth mindset.
If you would like to find out more about Curiosity and Powerful Learning, there is a parent session being held at Mentone Primary School on Thursday 17th March, from 7:30 - 8:30pm. This event is open to all parents of schools in Kingston involved in this work. The presentation will be delivered by Wayne Craig, former Regional Director in the Education Department, who developed the Powerful Learning and Teaching framework. Wayne is a wonderful, passionate speaker and will give you a solid understanding of the framework and how education is changing to meet the needs of our ever-changing world.
To book a place at the information session, follow this link:
Thank you to the following parents for your assistance with this event:
Chris Hulley
Arlene Davis
Philippa Murray
Sue Curtis
Wendy & Andrew Davis
Lillian Vrionis
Stacey Buchanan
Helen & Brian Paterson
Scott Martin
Anna Borek
Drive-In Movie Night - this Saturday. If you haven't ordered your tickets yet, don't forget you can come along and
pay at the gate.
pay at the gate.
What a wonderful year we are already having at Mentone Park! In the last week students have enjoyed House Swimming, Beach Swimming (Senior School), Tri-Skills and the Welcome BBQ and Play Date. We are so lucky to have such dedicated teachers and parents to support the running of such great programs and activities.
Last week we ran very successful information nights, followed by our parent forums; and this week we had our "Meet the Teacher" sessions. All of these events were well attended and I have received some excellent feedback from parents about how useful and interesting these were. Remember, if you have any questions about school life, you can look in our Parent Handbook, which is on our website.
Also, you do not have to wait for an invitation to see your child's teacher. If you would like to have a meeting to discuss your child's learning or any other relevant issues, you can contact the school to make an appointment.
School Improvement
Our work on "Curiosity and Powerful Learning" is developing momentum, with parent and student input into what High Expectations looks like at MPPS, as well as in developing our Learner Profile. Last week Mrs Lough and I met with the Student Voice Council to talk to them about these 2 aspects of our school. We were super-impressed with the responses they gave us and are incorporating them into our whole school approach. Some of their ideas around High Expectations included:FOR STUDENTS:
- Obey the school rules
- Display the school values
- Good behaviour
- Do neat work – your best all the time – high quality
- Meet the expected standards of work and challenge yourself sometimes
- Teachers should help us learn and grow
- They should set an example and learn with us
- Be fair but firm
- Work hard – be organised, correct our work, plan good learning experiences, challenge us
- Reward us and celebrate when we do something good
- Listen and pay attention – stay focused
- Ask questions – be CURIOUS!
- Do your best.
- Give things a go.
- Be creative.
- Participate.
- Be intrepid – adventurous and fearless.
- Positive and optimistic.
- Think outside the box.
- Never give up – be persistent!
- BELIEVE in yourself
During our work on High Expectations, we are also introducing the children (and parents!) to the concept of having a "growth mindset". If we have a growth mindset, we believe that we can develop our intelligence, creativity and character through dedication and hard work. Students who have a growth mindset can focus on improvement instead of worrying about how smart they are. They work hard to learn more and get smarter. Research in this area shows that students who learn this mindset show greater motivation in school, better grades, and higher test scores.
You can learn more about growth mindsets from many sources on the Internet, here is one as a starting point: The Science of Growth Mindsets
In classrooms we are teaching children to develop a growth mindset by changing their thinking. Examples of this which we are using can be found on the link below. Print off a copy and keep it handy - how can you use these ideas to help develop your child's growth mindset.
If you would like to find out more about Curiosity and Powerful Learning, there is a parent session being held at Mentone Primary School on Thursday 17th March, from 7:30 - 8:30pm. This event is open to all parents of schools in Kingston involved in this work. The presentation will be delivered by Wayne Craig, former Regional Director in the Education Department, who developed the Powerful Learning and Teaching framework. Wayne is a wonderful, passionate speaker and will give you a solid understanding of the framework and how education is changing to meet the needs of our ever-changing world.
To book a place at the information session, follow this link:
PFA Welcome BBQ and Play Date
On Friday 5th February, the Parents and Friends' Association hosted a welcome BBQ after school. It was lovely to see so many children and families playing after school and re-acquainting with each other after the long holidays. This is a lovely way to start the new year. Thank you to Creative Beginnings Day Care Centre for the lend of the BBQ.Thank you to the following parents for your assistance with this event:
Chris Hulley
Arlene Davis
Philippa Murray
Sue Curtis
Wendy & Andrew Davis
Lillian Vrionis
Stacey Buchanan
Helen & Brian Paterson
Scott Martin
Anna Borek
School Forms & Parent Payments
Don't forget to return your permission forms as well as your family details. It is important to ensure that your current details are correctly recorded at school. Please complete these forms ASAP and return to school. Even if you have no changes, please return so we know that your details are current.
Thank you to those parents who have already paid their parent payments. Statements were sent home this week for all families. Please remember to return your payment forms if you pay on QkR or Bpay so that we can reconcile statements against payments. Please ensure excursion fund is paid ASAP as some events (such as Tri-skills) have already commenced.
Kendra Parker
Kendra Parker
On Tuesday afternoon, our wonderful House and Vice House Captains along with our School and Vice School Captains, ran a tabloid sports event for the whole school while teachers met with parents for "meet the teacher" sessions. The student leaders had to come up with the activities, set up the equipment, explain their activity each team and keep score. Congratulations on a wonderful display of leadership from these students! Results from the day will be announced at assembly on Monday with points being added to the yearly House totals.NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION AGAINST BULLYING
Mentone Park is proud to be involved again with "Bullying No Way!" The 6th National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence is on Friday the 18th March. This will kick start our activities and conversations around this important topic prior to our students participating in the bully prevention program we will be running in Term 2.
This annual day is Australia's key anti-bullying event for schools, and encourages all students to 'take a stand together' against bullying and violence in schools, the classroom and beyond.
Our involvement in this day, will help deliver the powerful message that bullying and violence is never okay.
Alison Lough
Please ensure you have returned your envelope or booked your photo pack online. More envelopes are available at the office.

Need practical tips about what you can do at home to help support your child's education?
Download SchoolMate today! SchoolMate provides you with an overview of what your child is learning at school, and suggests ways that you can get involved in your child's education.
Benefits of SchoolMate:
- Shows you what your children are learning in school in each subject in every year from Prep to Year 10 according to the Victorian AusVELS curriculum;
- Provides advice about you can do at home to help your child learn;
- Provides ideas for books and apps which you can download, borrow or buy which are related to your child's school work.
Here is the calendar of events for this term. It IS updated fortnightly.
Kids' Café
Dear Parents,
This is the Kids Cafe class roster for Terms 1 and 2, please make a note in your diary of your class dates. I will send tiqbiz reminders to individual classes as your week approaches. To make things easier for the class reps, please call or text me on 0413 009 493 to let me know of your availability on your rostered day.
26th Prep S
March 4th 1A
11th 1O
18th cleaning & counter sales, everyone welcome
Term 2
April 15th 2O
22nd 2UO
29th 3B
May 6th 3G
13th 4H
20th 4W
27th 5/6L
June 3rd 5/6R
10th 5/6S
17th Prep B
24th cleaning - all welcome
We are still looking for a volunteer to make pizza bases on a fortnightly basis with another parent. It’s not a difficult job and can be done on any day during the week.
Liz and the Kids' Cafe Team
Ella's mum Jane writes:
Eleanor Grimshaw - who attended Mentone Park Primary School - and Laura Harding have been sailing a 420 since October last year. They came 8th overall in the 420 Championships, they were the 2nd female team across the finish line. This gained them a letter from the 420 Assiocation to invite them to the World Championships in Italy, July 2016.
Ella started sailing a Minnow at Parkdale Yacht Club when she was 5 years old.
She has done so very well with alot of hard work involved especially in the last 3-4 months and is very excited to be representing Australia in the 420 class.
Congratulations, Ella! We are all very proud of you and will be cheering you on as you compete in Italy!
Working With Children Check
All parent/guardian visitors & volunteers to the school MUST sign in & out of the school and display their WWCC in a lanyard, which is available at the school office.
The Department of Education requires any person involved in an activity where children may be present to have a current WWCC or have supplied proof that they have applied for a WWCC with the Department of Justice. All schools are required to comply with the Working with Children Act 2005.
Volunteers are expected to carry the WWCC card on their person at all times when working or volunteering at the school or during school related activities.
There is no fee for this check. Apply now by visiting:
Student Insurance
The Department of Education & Early Childhood Development and Mentone Park Primary School do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. They accept no responsibility for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them.