REMINDER: Term 2 commences with a curriculum day. Students do not return to school until Tuesday 12th April
Dear Parents and Friends,
Wow - what a whirlwind term 1 has been! We have done the work of 10 weeks in 8 and although it has been a short term I think we are all ready for the break.
It has been a wonderful term for learning and setting up high expectations and learning protocols for the rest of the year. We have introduced our "Growth Mindset" across the school and can already see the positive impact on some of our students.
As a whole school we also looked this term at a Mentone Park Learner Profile which describes the qualities of a good learner. Thank you to parents who came to the parent forums early in the term to give input into this. I have attached a draft of the Profile here. Feedback on this draft is welcomed - please email the school or drop by and see me if you have any comments. We will finalise this early in the term so any comments please send through by 22nd April.
We are also excited this week at the news of another new baby in the MPPS family. Congratulations to Allison Shanahan and her husband James on the arrival of their beautiful baby girl Agatha Rose, born on 19th March 2016. As expected, they are both head over heels!
On the flip side, however, we are very excited to officially welcome Mrs Lough (Alison) as our AP. Alison has been acting in the role for the past year and a term and as of term 2, will become our permanent AP. Congratulations Mrs Lough - we are very excited to have you on board!
Stay tuned for news of a farewell assembly for Mr Kick during term 2.
Our thanks go to Cameron Riley for his two years on school council. Also we would like to recognise and thank Andrew Davis for his service as School Council President for the past five years. Andrew has lead our council and school through some significant changes and improvements over this time and his commitment to our school is greatly appreciated. I am very pleased that Andrew will be in the position of Vice President and that he will continue to offer just as much to our school through leadership of the Buildings and Grounds sub-committee and commitment to fundraising efforts, as well as ‘holding my hand’ as the new School Council President!
Sub-committees and opportunities for involvement
Being involved in your children’s school is not only a great way to connect with your local community but there is also evidence that it has positive impacts on children’s attitudes to learning and success at school. We know that everyone leads busy lives but there are a great many ways to make a contribution to MPPS and the stronger and more involved our parent community, the better the school experience will be for all our kids. Most of the sub-committees of the School Council are open membership and there will be other opportunities for input or assistance throughout the year.
Please review the information below and if you are interested in joining one of these groups don’t hesitate to get in touch with myself, the convenor, Kendra or Alison.
Education: Convenor – Lisa Grimsey NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 26 April, 6pm
This committee has a very important role in reviewing and developing school policies. For example, we are currently working on a review of the Homework Policy and the Reporting to Parents Policy. As you can imagine the development of these policies has an impact on aspects of your child’s school experiences. Keep an eye out soon for an invitation to comment on the draft of the Homework policy. Throughout the year, the Education Committee may advise of other policies that are of interest to you and you are welcome to come along to that meeting or provide written comments or suggestions to be considered.
Buildings and Grounds: Convenor – Andrew Davis NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 26 April, 6pm
This committee overseas and achieves amazing things for our school through management of the school environment. Already this year the committee has run the very successful working bee to remove the old playground equipment from the junior playground and in doing so saved the school $5000 which can now be used towards the new edging seats or the landscapin Please consider being involved in working bees or other activities of this committee whenever possible as together we can make the school environment a more attractive, safer and more engaging place for our kids to be. If you have any specific skills that could help improve our buildings and grounds (eg. builder, painter, gardener etc) we would love to hear from you.
Parents and Friends/Fundraising: Presidents – Stacey Buchanan and Wendy Davis NEXT MEETING: Monday 18 April, 9am
Parents and Friends is a fun and effective way to connect with other parents and the school and to help out with activities and special events for the kids. The Parents and Friends run events such as the Easter raffle, Mother’s and Father’s Day Breakfasts and stalls, Footy Day and so on. The PFA also support fundraising activities and our school Fundraising Convenor is Wendy Davis. We would love to see you for a coffee at our next meeting but if you can’t make it please keep an eye out for information about how you can assist with upcoming events.
Finance: Convenor - Nicky Dance
This committee reviews and manages the school’s finances with the support of Anne Leggett the MPPS Business Manager.
News from the March Meeting
The following are some of the motions and activities of the School Council and the Sub-Committees that were presented and/or discussed at the meeting:
Safe and happy holidays to everyone. See you for a fantastic Term 2!
Wow - what a whirlwind term 1 has been! We have done the work of 10 weeks in 8 and although it has been a short term I think we are all ready for the break.
It has been a wonderful term for learning and setting up high expectations and learning protocols for the rest of the year. We have introduced our "Growth Mindset" across the school and can already see the positive impact on some of our students.
As a whole school we also looked this term at a Mentone Park Learner Profile which describes the qualities of a good learner. Thank you to parents who came to the parent forums early in the term to give input into this. I have attached a draft of the Profile here. Feedback on this draft is welcomed - please email the school or drop by and see me if you have any comments. We will finalise this early in the term so any comments please send through by 22nd April.

I know many of you remember fondly Mr Kick (Perry), Mentone Park beloved Assistant Principal for many years. As you know, Perry has been on leave for the past year and a half pursuing a new career and a new challenge at QkR. Sadly for our community, Perry has informed me that he will not be returning to MPPS - clearly working in a school doesn't have the lure of the travel and perks of corporate life!On the flip side, however, we are very excited to officially welcome Mrs Lough (Alison) as our AP. Alison has been acting in the role for the past year and a term and as of term 2, will become our permanent AP. Congratulations Mrs Lough - we are very excited to have you on board!
Stay tuned for news of a farewell assembly for Mr Kick during term 2.
2016 School Council
My name is Fiona Longmuir and I am very pleased to be introducing myself to you as the new Mentone Park Primary School Council President. Our first meeting of the 2016 school council was held on Monday 21 March and I would like to congratulate the following elected office bearers:- Vice-President: Andrew Davis
- Treasurer: Nicky Dance
- Secretary: Alison Lough
Our thanks go to Cameron Riley for his two years on school council. Also we would like to recognise and thank Andrew Davis for his service as School Council President for the past five years. Andrew has lead our council and school through some significant changes and improvements over this time and his commitment to our school is greatly appreciated. I am very pleased that Andrew will be in the position of Vice President and that he will continue to offer just as much to our school through leadership of the Buildings and Grounds sub-committee and commitment to fundraising efforts, as well as ‘holding my hand’ as the new School Council President!
Sub-committees and opportunities for involvement
Being involved in your children’s school is not only a great way to connect with your local community but there is also evidence that it has positive impacts on children’s attitudes to learning and success at school. We know that everyone leads busy lives but there are a great many ways to make a contribution to MPPS and the stronger and more involved our parent community, the better the school experience will be for all our kids. Most of the sub-committees of the School Council are open membership and there will be other opportunities for input or assistance throughout the year.
Please review the information below and if you are interested in joining one of these groups don’t hesitate to get in touch with myself, the convenor, Kendra or Alison.
Education: Convenor – Lisa Grimsey NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 26 April, 6pm
This committee has a very important role in reviewing and developing school policies. For example, we are currently working on a review of the Homework Policy and the Reporting to Parents Policy. As you can imagine the development of these policies has an impact on aspects of your child’s school experiences. Keep an eye out soon for an invitation to comment on the draft of the Homework policy. Throughout the year, the Education Committee may advise of other policies that are of interest to you and you are welcome to come along to that meeting or provide written comments or suggestions to be considered.
Buildings and Grounds: Convenor – Andrew Davis NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 26 April, 6pm
This committee overseas and achieves amazing things for our school through management of the school environment. Already this year the committee has run the very successful working bee to remove the old playground equipment from the junior playground and in doing so saved the school $5000 which can now be used towards the new edging seats or the landscapin Please consider being involved in working bees or other activities of this committee whenever possible as together we can make the school environment a more attractive, safer and more engaging place for our kids to be. If you have any specific skills that could help improve our buildings and grounds (eg. builder, painter, gardener etc) we would love to hear from you.
Parents and Friends/Fundraising: Presidents – Stacey Buchanan and Wendy Davis NEXT MEETING: Monday 18 April, 9am
Parents and Friends is a fun and effective way to connect with other parents and the school and to help out with activities and special events for the kids. The Parents and Friends run events such as the Easter raffle, Mother’s and Father’s Day Breakfasts and stalls, Footy Day and so on. The PFA also support fundraising activities and our school Fundraising Convenor is Wendy Davis. We would love to see you for a coffee at our next meeting but if you can’t make it please keep an eye out for information about how you can assist with upcoming events.
Finance: Convenor - Nicky Dance
This committee reviews and manages the school’s finances with the support of Anne Leggett the MPPS Business Manager.
News from the March Meeting
The following are some of the motions and activities of the School Council and the Sub-Committees that were presented and/or discussed at the meeting:
- Junior Playground equipment removal at the Working Bee. Saving the school $5000. New equipment to be installed early Term 2.
- New school signage has been approved and will be installed in next few weeks.
- Security cameras purchased and to be installed around the school over coming weeks.
- Department funded maintenance works to Grade 1 classroom occurring over the school holidays
- School cleaning contract has been reviewed and quotes obtained. A new contract will be signed off soon.
- Homework policy reviewed in response to new DET Guidelines. A draft policy will be presented to the school community for feedback prior to ratification by council.
- Parent information night around topic of resilience and anxiety in response to last year’s survey is being planned. Investigating the availability of a fantastic presenter on this topic.
- MPPS Annual Implementation Plan for 2016 presented and approved. This is a comprehensive and ambitious plan to guide school improvement throughout 2016.
- Fundraising and Parents and Friends activities list for 2016 reviewed and approved.
Safe and happy holidays to everyone. See you for a fantastic Term 2!
2016 Parents and Friends' Association (PFA)
We held the Annual General Meeting of the PFA on MOnday and were pleased to see some new faces. The following positions were elected at the meeting:
- President: Stacey Buchanan/Wendy Davis
- Vice President: Milicia Racunica
- Secretary: Monica Jean
- Assistant Secretary: Sue Curtis
- School Council Representative: Fiona Longmuir
- Treasurer: Cheryl Nancarrow
- Fundraising: Wendy Davis
all new to position holders and thank you to all committee members for 2015.
This year the PFA and committee has put together a list of activities for the year that we will be looking for coordinators and helpers for. Please have a look at the list, which will also be on the Community Noticeboard in term 2. If you are able to assist with any one of the events, please put your name up on the board, or else email the school to let us know. A member of the PFA will then contact you just to help with that particular event.
A HUGE thank you also to our parent representative volunteers for 2016. The PFA will be in touch early in term 2 to welcome you to your role and provide further information. We look forward to working with you throughout the year.
Prep B
Sofia Neale (Leah)
Prep S
Kate Solomon (Zac)
Amber Whalan (Oliver)
Stacey Buchannan (Molly)
Emma Moffatt (Thomas)
Christine Gill (Ewan)
Anna Buist (Corey Smith)
Angela Pinirou (Mia L)
Mel McKane (Lucy)
Lily Chen (Emily)
Cheryl Nancarrow (Ethan)
Lyndall & David
Russell (Darcy)
Yoko Shinozawa (Shuta)
Julie Jackson (Mia, Billy, Daniel)
Mel Gatfield (Luke,
Denise Mignone (Ella)
Finally, I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday. Remember to practise mindfulness, gratitude and empathy every day - these 3 simple things will help us all build our resilience and enjoy a more peaceful and happy life.
Kendra Parker
REMINDER: Term 2 commences with a curriculum day. Students do not return to school until Tuesday 12th April.
Working Bee Thank You
Thank you to the families who attended the first
working bee for the year last Saturday. As many of you will have noticed, we
managed to remove all the old play equipment from the junior playground and
prepare the area for installation of the new playground. This will be happening
during Term 2. We also had some wonderful helpers that cleared drains of
leaves, trimmed overgrown trees from paths and planted some new plants along
the front of the school.
Thank you to all families and teachers who assisted on the day! We would like to acknowledge you at our first assembly back (Friday 15th April at 3:00pm) for term two if you are able to attend. We will have the working bee attendees prize draw at the assembly.
What a successful day we had last Friday with students participating
in the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. Participating in
this day helps to generate a widespread message that bullying and violence is
never okay, in or outside the classroom.
Hopefully the children came home and had a chat with you
about the important messages that came out of the activities and discussions
they took part in on the day.
Congratulations to our Achievement Award recipients for Week 7 and 8. Names and reasons are published in Level Newsletters:
Congratulations to our Junior and Senior Aussie of the Month for March!
Anni - for being helpful at all times and leading by example
Sonny - for always displaying a positive attitude which he
projects onto others
Working Bee Thank You
Thank you to the families who attended the first
working bee for the year last Saturday. As many of you will have noticed, we
managed to remove all the old play equipment from the junior playground and
prepare the area for installation of the new playground. This will be happening
during Term 2. We also had some wonderful helpers that cleared drains of
leaves, trimmed overgrown trees from paths and planted some new plants along
the front of the school.
Thank you to all families and teachers who assisted on the day! We would like to acknowledge you at our first assembly back (Friday 15th April at 3:00pm) for term two if you are able to attend. We will have the working bee attendees prize draw at the assembly.
Hopefully the children came home and had a chat with you
about the important messages that came out of the activities and discussions
they took part in on the day.
Congratulations to our Achievement Award recipients for Week 7 and 8. Names and reasons are published in Level Newsletters:
Congratulations to our Junior and Senior Aussie of the Month for March!
Anni - for being helpful at all times and leading by example
Sonny - for always displaying a positive attitude which he
projects onto others
Thank you to all our wonderful parent helpers who sorted and packed all the prizes for the Easter Raffle! We appreciate all the donations of chocolate, baskets and Easter toys and books from the community. Special thanks to Anna Borek and Christine Gill for their efforts today to have all the prizes ready at assembly.
Dear Parents,
Here is the Kids Café class roster for Terms 2, please make a note in your diary of your class dates. I will send tiqbiz reminders to individual classes as your week approaches. To make things easier for the class reps, please call or text me on 0413 009 493 to let me know of your availability on your rostered day.
Term 2
April 15th 2O
22nd 2UO
29th 3B
May 6th 3G
13th 4H
20th 4W
27th 5/6L
June 3rd 5/6R
10th 5/6S
17th Prep B
24th cleaning - all welcome
We are still looking for a volunteer to make pizza bases on a fortnightly basis with another parent. It’s not a difficult job and can be done on any day during the week.
Thank you,
Liz and the Kids' Café Team.
Working With Children Check
All parents/guardians, visitors & volunteers to the school MUST sign in & out of the school and display their WWCC in a lanyard, which is available at the school office.
The Department of Education requires any person involved in an activity where children may be present to have a current WWCC or have supplied proof that they have applied for a WWCC with the Department of Justice. All schools are required to comply with the Working with Children Act 2005.
Volunteers are expected to carry the WWCC card on their person at all times when working or volunteering at the school or during school related activities.
There is no fee for this check. Apply now by visiting:
The Department of Education & Early Childhood Development and Mentone Park Primary School do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. They accept no responsibility for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them.
Piano lessons are available for Grade 2-6 students during school time.
If you are interested, please contact Mrs Jocelyn Millard on 0418 629 586 or 9583 6172.
Local Music School POCO MUSIC offers private Brass and
Woodwind, singing, strings, and drum kit lessons at Mentone Park primary school
during class hours. Lessons are conducted in a fun environment by qualified
teachers teaching students the basics and expanding to AMEB exam preparation if
needed. If you would like your child to commence lessons in term 2 visit our
website and fill out the online enrolment form at: , alternatively you can email us at: or call our office on 9584 7341.
Come and Play Girls Footy in 2016.
Join us in season 2016 as we celebrate our 6th year of Girls Footy atOur club will be fielding 3 Girls teams in U12 & U15 in 2016. They will be supported with
Interested? Then Come and Join Us!
Interested in playing or would like to find out more? Contact Girls Footy Coordinator Jason Pribil 0458 988 264 or email