Dear Parents and Friends,
The term is well underway with all our students settling
beautifully back into the routines of school.
Last week School Council met to approve our Annual Report
for 2015. This report has now been forwarded to the Department for
approval and will be available on our website shortly.
Our new school council is now established and we are working
in our new sub-committees for 2016. All members of the school community
are welcome to join a school council sub-committee and contribute to the
development of school policies and school grounds. A description of the
work of sub-committees and how you can help shape the direction of Mentone Park
PS follows:
Be Involved at Mentone Park PS!
are invited to join one of our School Council committees and be involved in
improving MPPS for our students.
Monthly meetings are listed below and held at the school.
dates will also be in our school newsletter.
& Grounds
Members –
Andrew Davis, Peter Olechnowicz, Martin Walker, Alison Lough
Davis will again lead an enthusiastic team who ensure that our school grounds
and buildings are safe and well maintained.
Working Bees are a major priority for this committee, which plans the
activities to be undertaken at these days.
The committee monitors our school maintenance plan to ensure the
upkeep of our buildings and grounds.
Meetings: Mondays prior to SC Meeting at 6:00pm (next
meeting 30th May)
& Friends’ Association
Representative: Fiona Longmuir
Stacey Buchanan and Wendy Davis are our joint PFA Presidents this year. Though class representatives are a major
part of the PFA, other Parents and Friends are invited to be a part of this
group. The PFA supports and promotes
school activities throughout the year, as well as being a link between the
school and the community. Activities
include Italian Day, School Disco, Mother’s/Father’s Day Stall, Easter Raffle
and Graduation. Meetings are attended
by the Principal and Assistant Principal who provide updates on school
business and activities.
Meetings: Mondays
9:00am (next meeting 30th May)
Members: Nikki
Langhorne, Fiona Longmuir, Alison Lough, Kendra Parker, Anne Leggett
team focuses on the financial management of the school under our Treasurer Nikki Langhorne and Business Manager Anne Leggett and SC President Fiona Longmuir as
well as the Principal and Assistant Principal. The school audit, program
budget, grants, banking, financial spread sheets, etc are all part of our
accountability framework which the Finance Committee monitors for our school.
Meetings: Friday prior to SC Meeting at 8:00am
Members: Lisa
Grimsey, Fiona Longmuir, Maria Fakitopoulos, Mary Sampieri, Sue Grisdale,
Kendra Parker
committee has the important role of reviewing and drafting new policies which
include curriculum and some school operations. We would love some extra support with this
aspect of the school, which also provides parents with information about how
the school operates.
Meetings: Mondays prior to SC Meeting at 6:00pm (next
meeting 30th May)
At our last Education Committee meeting, we drafted a new homework policy in line with new Department of Education guidelines. As many of you are aware, homework is an issue that divides parents - some love it and some hate it! The new policy reflects these considerations, along with current research and understanding into the value and purpose of homework in primary school. Please take the time to read the new policy and provide any feedback to the Education Committee by Friday 13th May. Feedback can be via email to the school, written communication sent into the office or come in and have a chat.
The Department of Education homework guidelines can be found here:
This week I attended a workshop with representatives from
all partners involved in the “Curiosity and Powerful Learning” program which we
are implementing. The project involves 4 school networks across
Queensland and Victoria (86 schools in total) and partnerships with 3
universities – Griffith Uni (Qld), Victoria Uni and Monash Uni. Our network is partnered with Monash Uni. As well as implementing the Theories of
Action into our schools, we are also working with the university to improve the
links between initial teacher training, ongoing professional learning and
school improvement. It is very exciting
to be part of such a big project that could shape the future direction of teacher
In regards to our own school
improvement, this term we are implementing Theories of Action around challenging
learning and higher order questioning. Staff are working with the 6 levels in the “Bloom’s
Taxonomy” to ensure they are asking and creating higher order questions and
tasks to challenge students. Bloom’s
Taxonomy provides a way to organise thinking skills into levels, from the most
basic to the higher order levels of thinking.
The 6 levels are:
Recalling information
Recognising, listing, describing, retrieving, naming, finding
The 6 levels are:
Recalling information
Recognising, listing, describing, retrieving, naming, finding
Explaining ideas or concepts
Interpreting, summarising, paraphrasing, classifying, explaining
Using information in another familiar situation
Implementing, carrying out, using, executing
Breaking information into parts to explore understandings and relationships
Comparing, organising, deconstructing, interrogating, finding
Justifying a decision or course of action
Checking, hypothesising, critiquing, experimenting, judging
Explaining ideas or concepts
Interpreting, summarising, paraphrasing, classifying, explaining
Using information in another familiar situation
Implementing, carrying out, using, executing
Breaking information into parts to explore understandings and relationships
Comparing, organising, deconstructing, interrogating, finding
Justifying a decision or course of action
Checking, hypothesising, critiquing, experimenting, judging
Generating new ideas, products, or ways of viewing things
Designing, constructing, planning, producing, inventing
We will be using these levels of thinking to deliver activities during our Family Science Night on Wednesday 18th May. I look forward to seeing lots of you there!
Generating new ideas, products, or ways of viewing things
Designing, constructing, planning, producing, inventing
We will be using these levels of thinking to deliver activities during our Family Science Night on Wednesday 18th May. I look forward to seeing lots of you there!
Each year we celebrate Education Week across the State to acknowledge the wonderful work being done in our State Government schools. This year there will be several activities happening at Mentone Park to celebrate Education Week:
- Junior School Excursion to Botanical Gardens
- Italian Day
- Maths Olympiad
- Family Science Night
- Prep Open Classrooms afternoon
Hopefully you will be able to get involved in one of these activities to acknowledge the great work we do.
Next week we say farewell to Signora Beer for the rest of the term as she heads off to have some much needed surgery on her knee. We wish her a speedy recovery and look forward to her return in term 3. In her absence, Mrs Nikki McCallum will be teaching the Italian program.
Have a great week!
Kendra Parker
Some children make new friends easily, while others take a while to warm up. It is important to know that both are normal. Teachers play an important role in supporting children to make friends. Teachers can identify which children are chatty, confident and good at interacting with other children, and which are a little more cautious. They arrange classrooms and groups to play to everyone's strengths.
Here are some important things to talk about with your child/ren about making friends:
- Let your child know that if one child doesn't want to play with them, they still have friends and people who care about them.
- Encourage your child's interests and get them involved in clubs or groups that have similar interests.
- Whether your child has one special friend or many friends doesn't matter as long as they are happy and content.
- Don't be alarmed to discover that children's friendships are often very up and down.
- Help them to understand that conflict is a part of everyday life, and that they can cope.
- Help them to maintain friendships outside of school, so they know the world is bigger than the school playground.
- Talk to your child about forgiveness. Being able to overlook and forgive mistakes and upsets are sure ways to keep good friends.
- Make friends with other parents - having a support network of other parents can be invaluable.
For more information on childhood friendships, head to the Raising Children Website
The word resilience is used to describe a person’s ability to cope, adapt, learn and thrive in the face of change, challenge or adversity. While some children find it harder than others, all children can develop positive coping strategies that will benefit them their whole lives.At school, we support students to learn valuable life skills, such as building relationships, seeking help, and making decisions. The school environment provides children with lots of chances to learn and grow as people. At primary school they can learn to understand and assert themselves, get along with others, face challenges, make friends and deal with conflict – all personal skills they will need as teenagers and adults.
- Self-awareness– understanding emotions and needs and being able to communicate them to others.
- Self-control– managing anger and anxiety and the expression of emotions.
- Social awareness– being aware of the needs and feelings of others, and building the capacity to respect those with different views or beliefs.
- Social management– developing the skills and confidence to talk and mix with other children and adults, and to work and play well with others.
- Responsibility– taking responsibility for a range of tasks, such as tidying up, doing their homework and helping others.
- Effort and persistence– understanding the importance of hard work and persistence.
- Hope– believing in the possibility of a good future and in the value of education.
- Self-esteem– feeling proud of the effort they make at school, and their efforts to get along with others, and to be part of the family.
- Problem-solving skills – building the capacity to think about how to deal with a range of challenges.
- Positive coping strategies – developing the capacity to cheer themselves up, calm themselves down, ask for help when needed, and to work out ways to solve a problem.
Challenges to Resilience
Positive Coping strategies
Understanding Problem Solving
Emotional Literacy
Help Seeking
Congratulations to our achievement award winners from the past two weeks:
(Names and reasons can be found in Area Newsletters)
Alison Lough

Marine Ambassadors: Our Marine Ambassadors are supported by the Dolphin Research Institute who run amazing educational programs and conduct research for marine conservation. Sunday 1st of May they are holding a fundraising walk, along with other activities to raise funds to continue their wonderful work. You can join the walk or find out more information here.

We are very proud of Liam from 3S for his recent efforts - participating in a cycling fundraiser to raise money for the Monash Children's Hospital and Starlight Children's Foundation. Liam and his family know first hand of the crucial work and support these organisations provide for children and their families in caring for children who are sick or injured. Liam appeared in the Sydney Daily Telegraph on the 16th April.
Well done, Liam!
Here is the calendar of events for this term. It is updated fortnightly.
Dear Parents,
Here is the Kids Café class roster for Term 2, please make a note in your diary of your class dates. I will send tiqbiz reminders to individual classes as your week approaches. To make things easier for the class reps, please call or text me on 0413 009 493 to let me know of your availability on your rostered day.
Term 2
29th 3B
May 6th 3G
13th 4H
20th 4W
27th 5/6L
June 3rd 5/6R
10th 5/6S
17th Prep B
24th cleaning - all welcome
Thank you,
Liz and the Kids' Café Team
Anicca & James
The last couple of weeks
the children have really enjoyed cooking. We have made some very tasty cupcakes
and cookies with a couple of children taking on the responsibility of being
head chef. We are going to continue cooking
new things each week based on the kids' suggestions.
Tuesday the 3rd
May we will be having our first WHEELS DAY!
We are encouraging all those that attend to bring along their favourite
set of wheels e.g. bicycle, scooter, roller blades etc…
Our new weekly program
is on our OSHC parent information board, we have made changes so that it shows
separately what the educators and children have initiated that week. There is
also space provided for parents to add their suggestions on what you would like
to be included in the program, we encourage all parents to have input by either
noting down their ideas or talk to one of the staff directly.Anicca & James
Working With Children Check
All parents/guardians, visitors & volunteers to the school MUST sign in & out of the school and display their WWCC in a lanyard, which is available at the school office.
The Department of Education requires any person involved in an activity where children may be present to have a current WWCC or have supplied proof that they have applied for a WWCC with the Department of Justice. All schools are required to comply with the Working with Children Act 2005.
Volunteers are expected to carry the WWCC card on their person at all times when working or volunteering at the school or during school related activities.
There is no fee for this check. Apply now by visiting:
Piano lessons are available for Grade 2-6 students during school time.
If you are interested, please contact Mrs Jocelyn Millard on 0418 629 586 or 9583 6172.
Local Music School POCO MUSIC offers private Brass and Woodwind, singing, strings, and drum kit lessons at Mentone Park primary school during class hours. Lessons are conducted in a fun environment by qualified teachers teaching students the basics and expanding to AMEB exam preparation if needed. If you would like your child to commence lessons in term 2 visit our website and fill out the online enrolment form at: , alternatively you can email us at: or call our office on 9584 7341.
hot tips n tan
Come meet the
team at hot tips n tan, for all your beauty needs.
You are all
fabulous and once you feel fabulous it becomes an addiction!
9585 1111
11 Follett
Road Cheltenham
treat no wheat
Pure Gluten Free Bakery
13 Follett Road
0418 808 566
and Sketching
drawing class is designed to introduce the fundamentals of drawing through a
series of structured exercises: line, tone, proportions & contours. Students
will be given the opportunity to explore different mediums such as graphite,
pencils, charcoal and pen.
1.00 – 3.00pm
2 – June 6 (6 weeks)
$75, concession $65
list supplied upon enrolment.
further information to enrol, please phone:
Mordialloc Neighbourhood
House; 9587 4534
to iPads and technology.
9.00 – 11.30am
12 – June 21
$60, concession$50 (11 week class)
are accepted anytime throughout the duration of the course.
rata costing applied)
further details or to enrol, please phone: 9587 4534
Come and Play Girls Footy in 2016.
Join us in season 2016 as we celebrate our 6th year of Girls Footy atOur club will be fielding 3 Girls teams in U12 & U15 in 2016. They will be supported with
Interested? Then Come and Join Us!
Interested in playing or would like to find out more? Contact Girls Footy Coordinator Jason Pribil 0458 988 264 or email