Dear Parents,
On June 15 and 16 Alison and I attended
the Regional Principal’s Forum in Melbourne where the focus was building on the
strength in the state education system and the momentum achieved through the
Education State initiatives. There was particular focus during these 2 days on
literacy and numeracy as these are foundational to engagement in education and
achievement in all learning areas. Strong Literacy and Numeracy outcomes for
all children are a key part of the Education State goals and targets, as part
of learning for life and successful/rewarding adult lifestyles.
Keynote Speakers were:
- Professor David Woods, Chair of the London Leadership Strategy who works as an Education Consultant with schools and local authorities. David’s presentation examined how the school education system in London was transformed from the lowest performing region in the country to the best.
- Mary Jean Gallagher, has had a 35 year career as an educator and has served as the head of the Ontario Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat at the Ministry of Education of Ontario. Mary Jean’s presentation provided us with a deeper understanding about sustainable systemic transformation and the importance of literacy as the ‘golden ticket’ to achieving system improvement.
- Dr Therese A. Dozier is the Director of the Centre for Teacher Leadership at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Education. Terry presented the role of teacher leadership in enhancing student learning outcomes and improving government school system policies and curriculums.
- Dr Lyn Sharratt, a highly accomplished practitioner working at the University of Toronto. Lyn’s research and experience as a practitioner speak to the conditions and qualities required to lead collaborative learning that is focused on improving outcomes for all students.
- Rev. Tim Costello is Chief Executive of World Vision Australia. Tim spoke passionately about social justice and appealed to us as educational leaders to create a civil, socially just, equitable society and to be inspired to make a difference to the quality of teaching and learning in our schools.Opening Speakers were:
- The Hon. James Merlino – Minister for Education
- Gill Callister – Secretary, Department of Education and Training
- Bruce Armstrong - Deputy Secretary, Regional Services Group
Not only was this a wonderful
opportunity to engage with world class speakers and educational leaders from
all over the world, it also provided us with the chance to discuss programs and
initiatives with school leaders all through the South East Victoria Region.
Whilst there is never an end point along the journey to school improvement, it
was extremely pleasing to reflect on the fact that some of this “best practice”
is happening right here in the heart of Mentone Park Primary School. Alison and
I look forward to working with all of our staff to enhance their abilities to
provide your children with high quality educational outcomes.
Reports back from the campers are that they are having a great time (but missing you terribly I’m sure). By the time you read this I will be at the camp hearing all of the wonderful stories and joining in with some of the great activities that the camp provides. The bus is planned to arrive back at school well before the 2.30 dismissal time and we will keep you informed via Flexibuzz of a more accurate arrival time.
Reports back from the campers are that they are having a great time (but missing you terribly I’m sure). By the time you read this I will be at the camp hearing all of the wonderful stories and joining in with some of the great activities that the camp provides. The bus is planned to arrive back at school well before the 2.30 dismissal time and we will keep you informed via Flexibuzz of a more accurate arrival time.
Last Friday I joined the junior school for some educational fun at Scienceworks. Whilst there were plenty of fun activities to do and lessons to learn, the most pleasing thing for me was the outstanding way all children represented Mentone Park PS. All students displayed wonderful manners and appreciation whilst enthusiastically engaging in some amazing hands on learning experiences.
Last Friday I joined the junior school for some educational fun at Scienceworks. Whilst there were plenty of fun activities to do and lessons to learn, the most pleasing thing for me was the outstanding way all children represented Mentone Park PS. All students displayed wonderful manners and appreciation whilst enthusiastically engaging in some amazing hands on learning experiences.
Next term all students from Foundation to Grade 4 have the opportunity to participate in the school swimming program at the Don Tatnell Leisure Centre from Aug 28 – Sept 8. The cost will be $120 and further information will be sent home during the first week of term 3.
Next term all students from Foundation to Grade 4 have the opportunity to participate in the school swimming program at the Don Tatnell Leisure Centre from Aug 28 – Sept 8. The cost will be $120 and further information will be sent home during the first week of term 3.
Over recent weeks I have highlighted some of the changes you will see in your child’s report that will be sent home today, with the main difference being the removal of the A – E grading. This year marks the start of reporting against the new Victorian Curriculum, where the Department of Education are placing a greater emphasis on student growth along a learning continuum than in previous years. You will still however be able to see how your child is performing against the standards in each area as represented by the shaded yellow are on the graph. I know many parents are in regular contact with their child’s teacher and I encourage all families to engage where possible along their child’s educational journey.
Over recent weeks I have highlighted some of the changes you will see in your child’s report that will be sent home today, with the main difference being the removal of the A – E grading. This year marks the start of reporting against the new Victorian Curriculum, where the Department of Education are placing a greater emphasis on student growth along a learning continuum than in previous years. You will still however be able to see how your child is performing against the standards in each area as represented by the shaded yellow are on the graph. I know many parents are in regular contact with their child’s teacher and I encourage all families to engage where possible along their child’s educational journey.
Don’t forget if you have a child starting next year please collect an enrolment form from the office and get it back to us as soon as possible. Planning is well underway for Term 3 and 4 transition activities and we would love to see you there.
If you know of any families looking for a great school then please get them to give us a call. I am currently conducting a number of individual and personalized tours allowing parents to ask specific questions about how we can best meet the needs of their families.
Lastly and sadly this week we say goodbye to Liz and her team at Kids Café. As per my previous communication, Kids Café will be closed for a period of time as we look at how we can implement a new sustainable cafe model whilst still maintaining the values and philosophy held so dearly by our community. School Council will be investigating and communicating with our community and we will keep you informed along the process. If you are able to drop in on Friday morning at 9am you are more than welcome.
Lastly and sadly this week we say goodbye to Liz and her team at Kids Café. As per my previous communication, Kids Café will be closed for a period of time as we look at how we can implement a new sustainable cafe model whilst still maintaining the values and philosophy held so dearly by our community. School Council will be investigating and communicating with our community and we will keep you informed along the process. If you are able to drop in on Friday morning at 9am you are more than welcome.
With the holidays fast approaching I would like to wish all of our families a safe and relaxing 2 weeks break. I know some of you are going away as I have heard stories of Fiji, Hawaii and Los Angeles as well as day trips to Sovereign Hill and Phillip Island. Whatever you get up to, please stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all again on July 17.
Best WishesWith the holidays fast approaching I would like to wish all of our families a safe and relaxing 2 weeks break. I know some of you are going away as I have heard stories of Fiji, Hawaii and Los Angeles as well as day trips to Sovereign Hill and Phillip Island. Whatever you get up to, please stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all again on July 17.
Cameron Agars
Dear Parents & Guardians,
Please note all signed permission forms and any payment must be given directly to your child/ren’s teachers. This allows the teachers to check and mark off each child’s permission form and payment.
Payments for Excursions/Incursions can be made via Qkr under School Payments using the EXCURSIONS 2017 TAB
Families can enter the amount they owe and also add a note e.g Scienceworks Excursion
Spare clothing
Please ensure that you pack extra underwear and clothing for your child/ren. Due to OHS guidelines, we are no longer allowed to provide underwear.
Payments for Excursions/Incursions can be made via Qkr under School Payments using the EXCURSIONS 2017 TAB
Families can enter the amount they owe and also add a note e.g Scienceworks Excursion
Spare clothing
Please ensure that you pack extra underwear and clothing for your child/ren. Due to OHS guidelines, we are no longer allowed to provide underwear.
Please feel free to phone or come into the office if you have any questions.
We are more than happy to assist with showing you how to use Qkr and Flexibuzz.
Thank you
Administration Team



All parents/guardians, visitors & volunteers to the school MUST sign in & out of the school and display their WWCC in a lanyard, which is available at the school office.
The Department of Education requires any person involved in an activity where children may be present to have a current WWCC or have supplied proof that they have applied for a WWCC with the Department of Justice. All schools are required to comply with the Working with Children Act 2005.
Volunteers are expected to carry the WWCC card on their person at all times when working or volunteering at the school or during school related activities.
There is no fee for this check. Apply now by visiting:
The Department of Education & Early Childhood Development and Mentone Park Primary School do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. They accept no responsibility for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them.
Piano lessons are available for Grade 2-6 students during school time.
If you are interested, please contact Mrs Jocelyn Millard on 0418 629 586 or 9583 6172.