Dear Parents,
This week we participated in National Literacy and Numeracy Week with a number of activities to celebrate all of the wonderful experiences your children can immerse themselves in. On Monday teachers all over the school swapped grades and read their favorite picture story books to different year levels. Many of you would have seen the photos on Facebook of this wonderful afternoon of literary enjoyment.
On Tuesday and
Wednesday Noela integrated three stories into her Visual Arts program to create
some wonderful hall art, which can be seen stretching from the Junior School
right up to my office and the Middle School. This picture here is the view from
my desk straight through the door, so I must thank the budding artists who put
this together.
I know a couple
of students caught me standing and reading all of the colour poems today out
the front of Mrs Grisdale’s class.
A very big THANK YOU must go to Allison Shanahan for organising and setting up the Book Fair in the Library this week. Whilst she normally only works for 1 day a week I know she has gone over and above for this to be the success it has been so far. I would also like to thank all of the volunteers who have helped make this such a wonderful success.
Just a reminder that due to the camp and junior school excursion to CERES on Friday we will not have an assembly this week.
Best wishes
Cameron Agars
This week we participated in National Literacy and Numeracy Week with a number of activities to celebrate all of the wonderful experiences your children can immerse themselves in. On Monday teachers all over the school swapped grades and read their favorite picture story books to different year levels. Many of you would have seen the photos on Facebook of this wonderful afternoon of literary enjoyment.

Next time you are
at the school please take a walk down our main corridor to experience the
vibrancy and colour that has been brought to life by student work. It is a
pleasure for me every day to walk up and down and marvel at the talents of all
of our students.

A very big THANK YOU must go to Allison Shanahan for organising and setting up the Book Fair in the Library this week. Whilst she normally only works for 1 day a week I know she has gone over and above for this to be the success it has been so far. I would also like to thank all of the volunteers who have helped make this such a wonderful success.
Our Middle School
campers left for Angahook on Wednesday morning and when I last spoke to Alison
they had managed to miss most of the heavy rain that hit just after lunch. I am
looking forward to heading down there on Thursday to see all of the wonderful
outdoor learning experiences our students have to experience.
Don’t forget
swimming starts next week so if you have not finalised your payment
arrangements could you please do that at your earliest convenience. I
understand that this has come at the same time as the Middle School Camp but if
this could be paid by Friday it will greatly assist our arrangements.
Don’t forget Icy
Pole Day every Monday and Thursday to help raise money for our Grade 6
Graduating Class. Day 1 was a great success, even though the day was cold many
students still managed to enjoy a frozen Zooper Dooper for only $1.
to all of our Grade 3 and 5 students for their performance on this years’
NAPLAN. Student results were sent home on Tuesday and we have received large
amounts of data as to the performance of our students against previous years.
These results will be used by staff to analyse our current programs and to
celebrate the achievements of our students. When this analysis is complete I
will table a report for school council and present to the school community via
the newsletter.
Some preliminary
data from the Department of Education indicates Victorian Year 3 students
outperformed NSW in Reading, Writing, Grammar & Punctuation and Numeracy
and Victorian Year 5 students outperformed NSW in Reading, Writing and
Numeracy. We also scored higher than the Australian average in all curriculum
FOR 2018
This will be a
regular feature of my newsletter so if you have not yet submitted your
enrolment forms for 2018 could I please ask that you do this as soon as
possible. We are currently working on class compositions and structures for
next year but this is extremely difficult without accurate enrolment figures.
We have a number
of new families to Mentone Park PS currently enrolled in Foundation so if you
know of anyone looking for a great school with dedicated teachers please ask
them to call the school and make an appointment for a personalized tour.
NO ASSEMBLY THIS WEEKJust a reminder that due to the camp and junior school excursion to CERES on Friday we will not have an assembly this week.
Best wishes
Cameron Agars
Dear Parents & Guardians,
Please note all signed permission forms and any payment must be given directly to your child/ren’s teachers. This allows the teachers to check and mark off each child’s permission form and payment.
Payments for Excursions/Incursions can be made via Qkr under School Payments using the EXCURSIONS 2017 TAB
Families can enter the amount they owe and also add a note e.g CERES Excursion
Some parents have been experiencing difficulties when making Qkr payments.
For example to pay for Prep - 4 Swimming
- School Payments
- Activities
- Swimming Prep-4
- Add to Cart
- Checkout
- Tap 'Confirm and Pay' to submit your payment

Please ensure that you pack extra underwear and clothing for your child/ren. Due to OHS guidelines, we are no longer allowed to provide underwear.
Please feel free to phone or come into the office if you have any questions.
We are more than happy to assist with showing you how to use Qkr and Flexibuzz.
We have a large amount of lost property at the moment including lunch containers, drink bottles, jackets and jumpers. Please check the classroom next to Performing Arts for any lost property.
Thank you,
Patti, Jane and Trish
Patti, Jane and Trish
Administration Team

All parents/guardians, visitors & volunteers to the school MUST sign in & out of the school and display their WWCC in a lanyard, which is available at the school office.
The Department of Education requires any person involved in an activity where children may be present to have a current WWCC or have supplied proof that they have applied for a WWCC with the Department of Justice. All schools are required to comply with the Working with Children Act 2005.
Volunteers are expected to carry the WWCC card on their person at all times when working or volunteering at the school or during school related activities.
There is no fee for this check. Apply now by visiting:
The Department of Education & Early Childhood Development and Mentone Park Primary School do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. They accept no responsibility for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them.