Dear Parents,
It seems like only yesterday that we embarked on the
second half of the year and already we are closing in on the end of term. So
many wonderful things have been accomplished and incredible learning
experiences provided by our staff for your children. Whilst the jewel in the
crown was the concert, we have also had learning expos in classrooms, 2 camps,
the front garden revitalization and sports carnivals. To finish the term we
also have our Teachers v Students Netball game today and Footy Colours Day tomorrow.
Don’t forget that we will
have our assembly tomorrow at 2pm with a 2:30pm dismissal.
For those of you that can’t make it to assembly I
would like to wish you all a relaxing and enjoyable break. When we return to
school Jayne O’Neill will have returned from her well-earned break but I will
be away with my family until week 2. Enjoy time with family and friends as we
prepare for last term.
forget to dig out the broad brimmed school hat for next term.
without hats will be asked to play in designated shaded areas.
Plans are well and truly underway for the highly
anticipated Kingston Community Colour Run hosted by Mentone Park PS on Sunday
November 18. Your PFA are doing an amazing job coordinating the event that
promises to be a highlight, not only for our school but the entire Kingston
Area. To assist with planning and organization there will be a major publicity
push starting during the holidays so can I please ask for everyone to jump onto
Q and register for your $5 tickets before they sell out. Not only will this
mean you won’t miss out but it will also help PFA with logistics.
Next term there will be a number of student lead
initiatives to keep the momentum flowing so keep a look out and get in early
with your registration details.
With the success of our front garden works our school
Buildings and Grounds Committee would like to hold our next Working Bee on
Sunday October 21 where we will revitalize the eating area and garden beds
between the middle school and the hall. Further details will follow closer to
the date but please save the date. We look forward to seeing you there.
Last week I was lucky enough to spend a few hours teaching in the Year 5 and 6 classes and it took me back to my last few years of teaching as a Year 6 teacher. Not only were the students all completing work at their own level, there was also a number of activities from algebra to fractions to multiplication, each with skill based and problem solving components. It definitely gave me a deeper insight into the planning and application that our teachers do every day and how they cater for your child’s individual academic journey.
Last week I was lucky enough to spend a few hours teaching in the Year 5 and 6 classes and it took me back to my last few years of teaching as a Year 6 teacher. Not only were the students all completing work at their own level, there was also a number of activities from algebra to fractions to multiplication, each with skill based and problem solving components. It definitely gave me a deeper insight into the planning and application that our teachers do every day and how they cater for your child’s individual academic journey.
Tomorrow is Footy Colours Day where students can come dressed in the team’s
colours and donate a gold coin to cancer research. You may choose AFL, A
League, EPL, or Rugby and wear your colours with pride.
Our Green Gang would like to remind all families about
No Trash Tuesday. Where possible all food is to come to school in a container,
helping to eliminate rubbish from our yard.
Don’t forget that you can pick up an enrolment form from the office if
you have a child starting Foundation in 2019. As I have mentioned previously we
already have a number of new families enrolled for 2019, many of whom have
heard positive feedback from the community about our wonderful school. We have
also organised a special gift for our newly enrolled Foundation students.
If your child is away from school can you please
either Flexibuzz or call the office to let us know as soon as possible? Many of
you will remember the recent media attention around this issue and due to a
change of policy, schools will be required to notify parents when a child is
absent. Your assistance with this will help us make sure that all students are
Spare clothing
Please ensure that you pack extra underwear and clothing for your child/ren.
We are more than happy to assist with showing you how to use Qkr and Flexibuzz.
Please feel free to phone or come into the office if you have any questions.
Please ensure that you pack extra underwear and clothing for your child/ren.
We are more than happy to assist with showing you how to use Qkr and Flexibuzz.
Please feel free to phone or come into the office if you have any questions.
Please check Kids Café for all lost property items.
There are a large number of unnamed containers and other items.
This event will be our major fundraising event for the year and we are all so excited about the fun we are going to have and the opportunity to showcase our school!
Please check out our Facebook event on the Mentone Park Primary School Facebook page (& feel free to like the page while you’re there)
We would be so grateful if you could share this event on your own personal Facebook pages and we are aiming for 3,000 - 4,000 people at the event! It’s going to be MASSIVE and a seriously huge opportunity for our amazing school!!!!!!
Tickets for our school community will be discounted at $5 per person and Under 4 are free and tickets can be obtained through Qkr.
Earlybird tickets for the wider community are $15 per person or $48 for a family of 4 and can be obtained through TryBooking (link in Facebook event).
What is the money raised going towards?
Having had a few discussions with Cameron, Jayne and the School Council, we will be raising money for a brand new STEM Room! This is a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Room! This has the potential to be a big point of difference for our school, also is going to cost at least $50,000! All the money raised from the ticket sales and fundraising activities through this event will go directly towards the STEM Room.
If you have a business (or know a business) who would like to be a sponsor of this event,please contact Kate on 0411 643 044. There is a huge opportunity for great exposure at this event!
If you have any questions please chat with Amber Whalan or Kate Porter.
You can also email our new centralised PFA email address
We will be seeking extra volunteers to help in the lead up and on the day as well. If you are keen to help we would be so grateful (it won’t mean you miss out on the fun though)!
Kate and Amber
& PFA Committee
This week at OSHClub we
have made a few changes, including adding in a ‘Quiet area’ for the kids to
chill out and relax. We have added a parent suggestion book and child
suggestion box so we can take everyone’s feedback on the program.
The theme for this week is Group Games as we work together or compete against one another in various activities.
The theme for this week is Group Games as we work together or compete against one another in various activities.
Next Week (24th – 28th September)
Our holiday program
begins this week. A magic show on the 25th and an excursion to
Inflatable World on the 27th and plenty of other fun activities in
the first week of our Spring holidays.
David Quinn
OSHClub Co-ordinator
Dear Mentone Park Families,
Welcome to another year at school and the beginning of a new issue of Scholastic Book Club catalogues!. Orders can be left with the office or please order via the online ordering system called “LOOP” - details are in the catalogue. When ordering there is an option to mark as a gift if you would like your order sent to the office instead of to class for your child to take home.
To families new to our school the Scholastic Book Club generates reward points which we claim back throughout the year as new books and resources for teachers to use in class. Each book club order earns 20% in rewards points – they soon add up! Scholastic often have some great books on special for as little as $2, so look out for their “gold coin books” in the catalogue
If you need any assistance please don’t hesitate to contact me via the school office or call the Scholastic Customer Service number 1800 021 233.
Best wishes
Jenny O – Book club coordinator

Dear Parents,
If you have any preloved MPPS uniforms please drop these off at the office. If you would like to purchase any items for a very reasonable price, please send a text to Megan or Jess to arrange a meeting time.
We have different items coming in all the time so if we didn't have what you were after last time you checked, it might be worth trying us again.
Second hand school windcheaters in various sizes.
If you need a spare windcheater for these freezing days, please come and help yourselves.
Thank you
Megan: 0404 228 320
Jess: 0411 031 589
Working With Children Check Reminder
All parents/guardians, visitors & volunteers to the school MUST sign in & out of the school and display their WWCC in a lanyard, which is available at the school office.
The Department of Education requires any person involved in an activity where children may be present to have a current WWCC or have supplied proof that they have applied for a WWCC with the Department of Justice. All schools are required to comply with the Working with Children Act 2005.
Volunteers are expected to carry the WWCC card on their person at all times when working or volunteering at the school or during school related activities.
There is no fee for this check. Apply now by visiting:
The Department of Education & Early Childhood Development and Mentone Park Primary School do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. They accept no responsibility for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them.
Dear Mentone Park Families,
Welcome to another year at school and the beginning of a new issue of Scholastic Book Club catalogues!. Orders can be left with the office or please order via the online ordering system called “LOOP” - details are in the catalogue. When ordering there is an option to mark as a gift if you would like your order sent to the office instead of to class for your child to take home.
To families new to our school the Scholastic Book Club generates reward points which we claim back throughout the year as new books and resources for teachers to use in class. Each book club order earns 20% in rewards points – they soon add up! Scholastic often have some great books on special for as little as $2, so look out for their “gold coin books” in the catalogue
If you need any assistance please don’t hesitate to contact me via the school office or call the Scholastic Customer Service number 1800 021 233.
Best wishes
Jenny O – Book club coordinator

Dear Parents,
Thank you
Megan: 0404 228 320
Jess: 0411 031 589
If you have any preloved MPPS uniforms please drop these off at the office. If you would like to purchase any items for a very reasonable price, please send a text to Megan or Jess to arrange a meeting time.
We have different items coming in all the time so if we didn't have what you were after last time you checked, it might be worth trying us again.
Second hand school windcheaters in various sizes.
If you need a spare windcheater for these freezing days, please come and help yourselves.
Thank you
Megan: 0404 228 320
Jess: 0411 031 589
Working With Children Check Reminder
All parents/guardians, visitors & volunteers to the school MUST sign in & out of the school and display their WWCC in a lanyard, which is available at the school office.
The Department of Education requires any person involved in an activity where children may be present to have a current WWCC or have supplied proof that they have applied for a WWCC with the Department of Justice. All schools are required to comply with the Working with Children Act 2005.
Volunteers are expected to carry the WWCC card on their person at all times when working or volunteering at the school or during school related activities.
There is no fee for this check. Apply now by visiting:
The Department of Education & Early Childhood Development and Mentone Park Primary School do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. They accept no responsibility for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them.