Dear Families,
As the 2018 school year comes to a close I would like to acknowledge the amazing staff at Mentone Park Primary School, our outstanding students and our wonderful parents and families. This year we have achieved fantastic results in across all areas of our school and we will work hard in 2019 to continue to improve and develop the learning outcomes for all students. Next year our major curriculum focus in our Annual Implementation Plan will be Reading and Numeracy, with significant investment not only in curriculum but also teacher Professional Learning. Couple this with our selection in the Department of Education's Professional Learning Community Initiative (PLC) as well as the ongoing planning around our future building works and the future is looking extremely bright for our wonderful school.
The teachers have finalised all student reports and I am now enjoying reading each one before they are sent home on Monday. Thank you to all our
fabulous staff for the dedication they have displayed throughout this reporting period. This time of the year is a time to celebrate the year that we
have had but also a time to start to think about the year to come. Students are
currently participating in the grade to grade transition program (Up Days) where they
spend time in the year above. This allows students to become familiar with the
2019 class setting and with the students around them. Next week students will
know the grade they are in and their teacher for 2019.
Staffing for 2019
As you would have seen in yesterdays Flexibuzz, a number of staff are moving onto the next chapter of their lives and career.
Matt Hardie has been successful in obtaining a years position at Mentone Grammar;
Danielle Kruger is taking up a position in the area where she grew up at Athol Rd PS;
Jess McDonald will be teaching at Cheltenham PS;
Nikki McCallum is off to Bonbeach PS;
Christine Smith, our highly experienced Literacy Support Teacher is enjoying pursuing other interests and spending time with family;
Melinda Mitchell-Daws has been successful in obtaining a teaching position at Naranga Special School
would like to take this opportunity to thank the above staff and wish them all
the very best in the next page of their lives.
Last Day
of Term – Friday 21 December will be our last day of the school year where
we will farewell
our Graduating Year 6 students. Dismissal will be at 1:30.
Just a reminder that we will all return on Wednesday Jan 30 for the start of the new school year.
Thank you everyone who was able to attend the Carols Night and birthday celebrations on Tuesday night. It was a wonderful community event, with many families also checking out the main corridor with all of our historical memorabilia. This will remain up until Wednesday so please feel free to drop in and walk back through MPPS history,
Not only are our students great readers, writers and mathematicians, they also achieve success in other areas. Recently Chloe participated in the National Cheer and Dance Championships on the Gold Coast, with her team placing second. What an amazing achievement Chloe, we are all very proud of you.
To all of our families and community members I would like to with you a safe and enjoyable holiday period. Please enjoy this time together and we look forward to seeing you all for the next exciting chapter of the Mentone Park Primary School Story.
Merry Christmas and Best Wishes
Cameron Agars
2019 Payment Summary Sheets
Dear Parents,Thank you to the families who have returned their payment summary sheets for 2019.
The information on these sheets, confirms your child's order for stationery and supports our planning for 2019.
These forms are now overdue, if you have not returned your form, please do so early next week.
Please contact the office if you have any questions regarding your payments.
Thank you
Dear Parents,
Thank you
Megan: 0404 228 320
Jess: 0411 031 589
If you have any preloved MPPS uniforms please drop these off at the office. If you would like to purchase any items for a very reasonable price, please send a text to Megan or Jess to arrange a meeting time.
We have different items coming in all the time so if we didn't have what you were after last time you checked, it might be worth trying us again.
Thank you
Megan: 0404 228 320
Jess: 0411 031 589
Working With Children Check Reminder
All parents/guardians, visitors & volunteers to the school MUST sign in & out of the school and display their WWCC in a lanyard, which is available at the school office.
The Department of Education requires any person involved in an activity where children may be present to have a current WWCC or have supplied proof that they have applied for a WWCC with the Department of Justice. All schools are required to comply with the Working with Children Act 2005.
Volunteers are expected to carry the WWCC card on their person at all times when working or volunteering at the school or during school related activities.
There is no fee for this check. Apply now by visiting:
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