9 June 2016

Newsletter 10/2016

Dear Parents and Friends,

Mrs Lough and I have been very busy with school tours for Foundation 2017.  It is terrific to hear from our potential parents that Mentone Park has such a wonderful reputation in the community (something we already knew!) and that they are so keen to come here.

Don't forget if you have younger siblings beginning at MPPS next year, please collect an enrolment form from the office and complete ASAP.


The Department of Education have developed a Community Code of Conduct for parents, students and staff working in our schools.  Schools are working with your most valued possession - your children!  When issues arise at school for your child, it is natural that you always want what is best for them and to ensure matters are resolved quickly and positively.  As schools, we want the same outcome!  It is my role as Principal to ensure the well being of all students at Mentone Park PS and to maintain a positive, harmonious school climate.  By following the Code of Conduct we work together to achieve our goal of providing a safe, supportive and inclusive environment for your children to become confident and creative individuals.  Click on the link below to review the Code.


Have a great week!

Kendra Parker  



Student-Led Conferences

Please make a time for you and your child to meet with the teacher at our upcoming Student-Led Conferences. These will be held on the last Wednesday of term - the 22nd June - from 1.30pm to 7pm. 
Please book your preferred time using the online booking system, which can be found through the following link. Once you are at the site, log in using the code: qega9

School Interviews Booking System


Congratulations to our latest achievement award recipients and our Aussie's of the Month for May - Conor and Joanna! Great work everyone.  

Around the Grounds

It has been wonderful to see so many children enjoying our new play equipment in the junior playground. This week I met with one of our lovely parents, Helen - a landscape gardener, to begin discussing ideas for creating a natural play space and sensory garden in the area alongside the junior playground. Helen has drawn up some lovely sketches and ideas for this space and once our building works are complete, we will be seeking further input from the students and community before formalising the plans to create this area. At this time, we will be seeking donations of materials and plants and will hold some fundraising events to ensure we are able to make this an exciting place for the children to play and explore. If you have any ideas, or know of anybody who would like to assist our school with this project, please come and see me!


I was fortunate to be able to attend the first ever 5/6 camp to Canberra two weeks ago. Everyone had a wonderful time and it was amazing how many things we were able to see and do in just 3 days in Canberra - not to mention the fun of the bus trip, beautiful scenery and historic places we stopped along the way. Well done to all students on their excellent behaviour and participation in activities. Thank you to Mr Riley, Mrs Sampieri, Miss Liddington, Alison Bondini and our lovely 4th year Pre-Service Teacher, Miss Hill for spending the week looking after our students! What a wonderful, unforgettable experience these students and teachers have had! 

Alison Lough
Assistant Principal


Dear Parents & Guardians,

Please see below some reminders from the Administration Team.

Just a reminder that parents must come into the office to SIGN IN your child if they are late and also SIGN OUT your child if they are leaving early.

Visitors Passes
Please make sure you SIGN IN at the office if you are volunteering in the classroom or helping out in Kids' Café. Could we please ask you to check if you have accidentally taken any visitors passes home, as we are missing quite a few.

Kids' Café
Just a reminder to please make sure you place your child's order before 9am Friday mornings. Orders can be placed at any time during the week.
Every Friday we have a number of students coming to the office at lunch time to advise that they haven't received their order.
To check that your child's order has been placed successfully, go into QkR and sign into My Receipts to ensure your child's order has gone through.

We appreciate your assistance with this.

Excursion Permission Forms on QkR
All Excursion Permission Forms will now be available for signing on QkR under School Payments and Excursions.

Administration Team
Anne, Trish & Jane


Please see below our Mentone Park Vacation Care Program for June/July School Holidays.

Have a great week.



Here is the calendar of events for this term. It is updated fortnightly.

Dear Parents,
Here is the Kids' Café class roster for Term 2, please make a note in your diary of your class dates. I will send tiqbiz reminders to individual classes as your week approaches. To make things easier for the class reps, please call or text me on 0413 009 493 to let me know of your availability on your rostered day.

Term 2

June    10th     5/6S
             17th    Prep B
             24th    cleaning - all welcome
Thank you,

Liz and the Kids' Café Team

Working With Children Check Reminder

All parents/guardians, visitors & volunteers to the school MUST sign in & out of the school and display their WWCC in a lanyard, which is available at the school office.
The Department of Education requires any person involved in an activity where children may be present to have a current WWCC or have supplied proof that they have applied for a WWCC with the Department of Justice. All schools are required to comply with the Working with Children Act 2005.
Volunteers are expected to carry the WWCC card on their person at all times when working or volunteering at the school or during school related activities.
There is no fee for this check. Apply now by visiting: www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au


The Department of Education & Early Childhood Development and Mentone Park Primary School do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. They accept no responsibility for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them.



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