Principal’s Report
More information
for parents and families about times, costs etc. will come out shortly.
Our grade 3/4
students also have an added excitement to this term with their upcoming camp to
Log Cabin Camp in Creswick from Wed 17th – Friday 19th August.
These are some of the activities the students will experience during their time away:
Walking tour of the Sovereign Hill Open
Air Museum, giant swing, archery, orienteering, flying fox, hut building, initiatives
course, night hike and attendance at the ‘Blood on the Southern Cross’ Sound
and Light Show at Sovereign Hill.
We look forward to sharing all their wonderful stories on their return.
Trivia Night
A huge thank you
to our amazing PFA members who have worked tirelessly in seeking and sorting
donations from very generous local business and families, organising raffles
and the entertainment for the night. It is going to be a great night!
We believe we
are getting much closer now to our building works beginning. This Friday Alison
and I have a meeting with the department representative, architect and builder
and hope to have good news about a start date and proposed completion date
after this day.
This week we
also received a letter through our local MP, Tim Richardson. Mr Richardson was
able to share great news from our Deputy Premier, Minister for Education, that
the department has allocated the demolition of our student toilet block within
their demolition program this year. This will mean that the old toilet block
will be removed when our new toilet facilities come on line. Great news for our
2017 Prep Students
The time of year is soon near us where schools need to begin their next year planning structures around classes and staffing. To be able to do this effectively it is really important as a school that we know our expected 2017 prep enrolment numbers.
Can I please encourage parents who have a pre-prep child at home due to start school here at Mentone Park PS next year to begin to complete the enrolment information and hand this in at the office – this will assist us greatly in the beginning planning stages for next year. If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to contact our office or our prep teaching team. Thank you very much in advance!
Parent Opinion Survey
Each year schools conduct a Parent Opinion Survey through the Department of Education. This survey goes home to 15 percent of families who are randomly selected to participate. The survey information is used to inform and support school planning and improvement, your opinions and feedback are very important to us. Responses are completely confidential.
Completed surveys are due back to the office by Friday 5th August. Thank you very much to those parents who have already completed the survey and returned it to school, your assistance is greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or queries at all.
Renée Kennedy
Acting Principal
Self Esteem
Last week I wrote about the importance of building a healthy self-esteem. Remember, self-esteem is influenced by two things – our thinking and our actions. Telling yourself you are a worthwhile person must be followed by taking care of yourself by choosing healthy habits and asserting yourself. If we can show respect for ourselves in this way, our children will be influenced to think and behave in a positive way also.
Self-Esteem of others
There is a critical “feedback loop” in achieving high self-esteem. We must not only work towards increasing our own self-esteem but work towards respecting others’ self-esteem as well. When we are considerate and respectful of others, they are generally considerate and respectful of us in return. This is a positive feedback loop. On the other hand, if we are disrespectful to others, they are generally disrespectful in return. This is a negative feedback loop. If we work on increasing our own self-esteem through positive thinking/self-talk and positive actions, we are more likely to experience many positive feedback loops during the day! These feedback loops naturally increase our self-esteem to higher and higher levels.
Just like our appearance as we grow older, self-esteem can change. Levels of self-esteem can fluctuate greatly, particularly in the early stages of our self-esteem development. You may notice that on some days your self-esteem will be higher. On those days, pay attention to what’s different, noting positive feedback loops and even recording them in a journal or an app on your phone!
It is important to remember that we are each alone responsible for the quality and degree of our own self-esteem. With patience, discipline and consistency, we can develop our self-esteem until these fluctuations diminish and it becomes more stable.
With a healthy, stable self-esteem, a person:
- can truly accept and appreciate themselves, their strengths and their weaknesses
- is confident that they are capable and competent in being able to meet the challenges that life presents
- genuinely believes they are worthy of a meaningful and positive life
- takes full responsibility for all of their choices, regardless of the outcome
Try a positive feedback loop with your kids and note how it makes you and them feel! How else will you build your self-esteem today?
Term 3, Weeks 1, 2 & 3CONGRATULATIONS!!
Alison Lough
Assistant Principal
Dear Parents & Guardians,
Please see below some reminders from the Administration Team.
Just a reminder that parents must come into the office to SIGN IN your child if they are late and also SIGN OUT your child if they are leaving early.
Please also note you can record your child's absence if you are going on extended holidays. Select the first date of absence and the last date of absence and submit.
Administration Team
Anne, Trish & Jane
'Planet Ark Tree Day'
Tuesday 9th of August is Mentone Park's 'Planet Ark
Tree Day' and we are celebrating! Students will take part in some schoolyard
garden maintenance and the planting of seedlings in vertical planters. If any
parents would be interested in assisting with garden maintenance on the day,
Please click here to volunteer Please detail your availability include 'Planet Ark Tree Day'
Any time given is
greatly appreciated in helping make Mentone Park beautifully green!
Maddie Oates
Maddie Oates
Mentone Bunning’s BBQ - Saturday 20 August – 8.00am – 4.00pm
Another big fundraiser for the year is our Bunning’s BBQ. We will need a number of volunteers to help run the stall on the day, so please mark the date in your diary now.
If you have any further queries in regards to this day, please don’t hesitate to contact Wendy Davis on 0417 517 040 or
Father's Day Breakfast and Stall - Thursday 1 September
We are looking to hold our Father’s Day Breakfast (Egg & Bacon Rolls) on Thursday 1st September, but to be able to, we are looking for some-one to co-ordinate this. We will also need helpers on the morning. (This will be an early start).
Please click here to volunteer Please detail your availability include 'Fathers Day Breakfast'
Please click here to volunteer Please detail your availability include 'Fathers Day Breakfast'
The Stall will also be held on the same day and again we are looking for a Co-ordinator to run this day, purchasing of gifts and arranging roster of helpers for the day.
This can be a shared job for 2 people.
Please click here to volunteer Please detail your availability include 'Fathers Day Stall'
Please click here to volunteer Please detail your availability include 'Fathers Day Stall'
If you can assist with coordinating or volunteering for either of these activities please email or Wendy Davis on 0417 517 040 or
We are looking for volunteers with a current Working With Children Check to assist before and after school at the following times:
8.00am - 9.00am
3.30pm - 4.30pm
Please click on the link below to nominate the day and time you are available.
Please click here to volunteer Please detail your availability include 'Book Fair'
Thank you for your assistance.
Danielle Searles
We have had lots of activity with dress up's, drawings, soccer, music and movement, coloured squares and cooking. We have also had exercise sessions in the mornings the children seem to like this activity. We would like to advise that Joanna is now on maternity leave from this week. We wish her well in her confinement. James has been teaching more this term; therefore we will have Candice to help out. The weather is starting to warm up a little Yay! We are having a good week and hope you are too.
Thank you
Enjoy the rest of the week
From The OSHC Team
Dear Parents,
Below is the class roster for the rest of the school year.
Please click here to volunteer for any of the dates below.
Please click here to volunteer for any of the dates below.
Liz & the Kids’ Cafe Team
Term 3
Aug 5th 1A
12th 1O
19th 2O
26th 2UO
Aug 5th 1A
12th 1O
19th 2O
26th 2UO
Sept 2nd 3B
9th closed - Footy Day
9th closed - Footy Day
16th cleaning - all welcome
Term 4
Oct 7th 3G
14th 4H
21st 4W
28th 5/6L
14th 4H
21st 4W
28th 5/6L
Nov 4th 5/6R
11th 5/6S
18th all Preps & Grade 1
25th all grades 2 & 3
11th 5/6S
18th all Preps & Grade 1
25th all grades 2 & 3
Dec 2nd all Grades 4, 5 & 6
9th cleaning - all welcome
Working With Children Check Reminder
All parents/guardians, visitors & volunteers to the school MUST sign in & out of the school and display their WWCC in a lanyard, which is available at the school office.
The Department of Education requires any person involved in an activity where children may be present to have a current WWCC or have supplied proof that they have applied for a WWCC with the Department of Justice. All schools are required to comply with the Working with Children Act 2005.
Volunteers are expected to carry the WWCC card on their person at all times when working or volunteering at the school or during school related activities.
There is no fee for this check. Apply now by visiting:
Enrolments for Term 3
Poco Music offer in school private music tuition in Brass, Woodwind, Strings, Drum Kit and Singing lessons.
If you would like to enrol your child in lessons please fill out the enrolment form online at:
If you would like more information about lessons please contact our office on 9584 7341
or alternatively email us at:
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