Morning Tea with the Principal
Over these last
two weeks I have enjoyed the pleasure of the company of:
Zara 1A; Kathleen 1A;
Ella 5/6S; Luke 5/6L
Eva 1A; Conor 4H; Julian 4H;
Josh 4H; Sam 4H; Daisy 5/6S
Parent Feedback
Once again I
would like to thank all of our parents who completed the Production Parent
Feedback survey – we had 50 feedback responses which was fabulous! Please see the graphs below that demonstrate
parent feedback received. We are now actively reviewing the feedback and will
be considering this in our early planning stages for the 2018 Whole School
Production. We are currently in communication with Parkdale SC enquiring about
hall hire for 2018, which will fulfill many areas of the positive feedback received.
Further communication to come.
School Policy Review – a response to Parent Feedback
Our Education
Sub Committee is currently reviewing two policies as a direct result of parent
conversation and feedback from our Closed Parent Facebook page. Recently I
responded to a parent question wondering if our SunSmart Policy approved
students wearing sunglasses; and parents also asked whether our school policy
enabled our school to serve alcohol at the 2017 fete. Both of these questions
and comments have led our Education Sub Committee and School Council to begin a
review of these policies.
We are also
currently reviewing our Anaphylaxis Policy to ensure our school processes and
management systems are reflecting up-to-date and best practice.
These three
policies have been discussed and currently being drafted for School Council
final approval. Once ratified by council they will be published for our
community. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions
or queries.
Our ‘A-Thon’ for
this year is next week! Wednesday 16th November 9am – 11am. Don’t
forget to dress up in the colours of your favourite country or dress up in your
favourite sports gear (please wear runners). I hope everyone has been able to
seek some sponsors for their laps on the day.
All money raised
will go towards the payment of our new basketball poles, rings and backboards.
Building Works Update
We are getting
closer to the finish! If you missed viewing some updated photographs of the new 3
& 4 open learning space and student toilet block, tune into our Facebook
page, some recent photos were posted earlier this week!
Buildings and Grounds update
Upcoming works
in this area include the installation of fencing around the container near the
chook shed and the installation of CCTV capturing fence lines and different views of the school grounds. An OHS audit as a part of our regular grounds maintenance also identified
the need for some tree removal to be undertaken. We also have our next
scheduled Working Bee as a twilight ‘bee’ for Friday 25th November.
Look out for further information and details from Alison Lough.
2017 Curriculum Days
As a parent I LOVE to know as early as
possible when my son’s school’s curriculum days are being held… so here are our
2017 curriculum day dates to allow for early planning! These were approved by
School Council at our recent meeting this week
- Day 1 & 2 – first two school days of 2017
- Day 3 – Wednesday 8th March
- Day 4 – Tuesday 1st August
Renee Kennedy
Acting Principal
Out of School Hours Care – New Provider!
We are excited to announce a new Out of School Hours Care Service Provider will be starting here at Mentone Park in 2017! OSH Club was successful in gaining the contract here, after several companies presented proposals to a committee of School Councillors and Parent Reps recently.I would like to thank the parents who assisted with the process of finding the best provider for our families, whether through completing the online survey, sending in feedback or taking an active role on the committee. Particular thanks to Peter Olechnowicz, Kristy Wardell, Sue Curtis and Dana Killmister for their extra time in representing the parent community.
We would like to thank our current provider Youth Leadership Victoria for their years of service here. YLV will be finishing up with us on the last day of school – the 20th December.
OSH Club will be running the Summer Vacation Care Program which will begin on Monday 9th January 2017. Enrolment and booking forms as well as links to the online booking system will be sent home shortly.
Please see below my report for some information from OSH Club!
Working Bee!
Your final opportunity to assist at one of our fun-filled (and dirt-filled!) working bee's for the year is upon us! Friday the 25th November a Twilight Working Bee will be held. Volunteers who can make it on this afternoon/evening are invited to attend any time from 3.45pm to 7pm. A Sausage Sizzle with Can of Drink will be supplied for all who attend at the conclusion of the working bee.We will be cleaning up the school grounds ready for our Carols Night the following week and also relocating the sports equipment (currently in the Kids' Cafe) into the new Sports Store Room! If you can make it on this night, for catering purposes, please Tiqbiz or email your intention to be there!
School Communication
In an earlier edition of the newsletter, I outlined the various forms of communication we have here at MPPS and what the purpose of each of these is. Since then, we have started up our Closed Communication Group on Facebook and also placed a feedback box at the office. As I stated in the earlier newsletter, we are continually assessing and evaluating our communication practices and looking for ways to improve and engage our school community.The Closed Facebook Group was discussed at our recent School Council meeting and it was decided that this forum will continue as a method for parents being able to share thoughts and ideas and engage in conversations around school matters. The School Communication Policy will soon be updated to reflect the use of this type of social media.
Please remember that when making comments or posting thoughts on social media, you need to be mindful that what you are saying:
a) is appropriate and inclusive
b) does not insult or bring into disrepute any member of MPPS
c) does not suggest that MPPS endorse any particular personal opinion
d) is in line with MPPS values of Teamwork, Integrity, Excellence and Respect
Below is a summary of the various forms of communicating information and two-way communication means available to parents:
- School Website
- Billboards/Info Boards (enrolment advertising)
- Fortnightly Whole School Newsletter (digital),
- Fortnightly Level Newsletters (digital)
- Whole School Tiqbiz Notifications
- Year level or Grade Tiqbiz Notifications
- Tiqbiz One2one
- Phone calls
- Scheduled meetings
- Informal chats at convenient times
- Parent/teacher interviews
- School reports
- Diary/reading log notes
- QkR
- Printed notices when required
- Facebook – School Profile Page (can be viewed from the website if you do not have a Facebook account)
- Closed Facebook Group – Current Community Member Forum
- School Council
- Student Voice Council
- School committees
- Survey monkey
- Student attitudes to school survey
- Parent opinion survey
- Parent forums
- School email
- Feedback Box
If you have any feedback or suggestions, please do not hesitate to send an email addressed to me, to or drop a note into the new feedback box outside the office!
Congratulations to our achievement award winners for weeks 4 & 5
Alison Lough
We had a general discussion about all the ways that the school is currently communicating. At the moment, it is quite a list: Website, newsletter, tiqbiz, suggestion box at the office, public and closed facebook pages and of course all the standard methods that can be used to get in touch! With all these options, we are hopeful that everyone feels able to keep connected with what is happening at the school. We are pleased that the closed facebook page is being used to share information, raise issues and engage in respectful discussions.
All the best as we keep moving through this busy term and get closer to Christmas very quickly!
Fiona Longmuir
Assistant Principal
Another productive School Council meeting occurred on Monday. As always thanks to our committed members who all volunteer their time to undertake this important role in the school.Farewell to Kendra Parker
Thanks to all who attended the farewell event for Kendra. It was great to see our community of staff and parents come together to acknowledge all that she achieved over her five years at MPPS. She has many exciting challenges ahead and we all wished her the best in her new role.Building update
Wonderful to hear that the building works are well on schedule and also that they are within budget! With most of the major structural work complete, the finishes of painting, carpets etc. are underway and so all should be ready by the end of the year. Advice from the department is that the old toilet block will be demolished over the summer break.Kinder re-location
We have been provided with no further information from Kingston Council at this stage. So the latest advice is that they are still awaiting news of the grant.
Communication forums
We had a general discussion about all the ways that the school is currently communicating. At the moment, it is quite a list: Website, newsletter, tiqbiz, suggestion box at the office, public and closed facebook pages and of course all the standard methods that can be used to get in touch! With all these options, we are hopeful that everyone feels able to keep connected with what is happening at the school. We are pleased that the closed facebook page is being used to share information, raise issues and engage in respectful discussions. Alcohol Policy
We reviewed the school’s Alcohol Policy in response to questions raised about next year’s fete. We examined other policy examples, department guidelines and risk assessment considerations, as well as discussing opinions that have been shared with us by community members. This review confirmed that our policy as it stands reflects that our primary purpose at MPPS is the education of children. Therefore, no changes were made to the policy and there will not be alcohol at school events where children are present.Buildings and Grounds News
Council approved the installation of fencing around the container and the installation of CCTV. There is also some tree removal work that will be undertaken soon as part of the ongoing review and maintenance of the trees throughout the school yard.Outside School Hours Care Program
School council approved a recommendation put forward by a committee of staff and parents who have been reviewing the provision of outside school hours care. This motion will see a change to OSHClub providing this service at Mentone Park PS from the beginning of 2017. OSHClub are a well-regarded organisation and their proposal was very impressive. We are confident that they will provide a high-quality service that the students will enjoy. Thanks to those that participated in the review. Please see the information in the Assistant Principal's Report for more information.Other Business
We reviewed feedback about the school production and parent opinion survey data, both of which were very positive. We also approved the Curriculum Day dates for 2017. Further information about these will be elsewhere in the newsletter or please contact the school to find out more.All the best as we keep moving through this busy term and get closer to Christmas very quickly!
Fiona Longmuir
School Council President
The School Disco will be held on Wednesday 16th November
Our DJ will be Mr Hardie
Prep - Grade 2 - 4.30pm - 5.30pm
Grade 3 - 6 - 6.00pm - 7.30pm
We are looking for 1 or 2 parents to co-ordinate the lead up and parent helpers will be required on the night of the Disco. If you are interested in helping out
Please click here to volunteer and specify Disco
We are looking for a co-ordinator to work with Jo Struthers to organise the Prep Tabloid Sports Day Lunch. Helpers required for: cooking sausages, serving sausages in bread, hand out icy poles and clean up to our incoming Preps and their families for 2017 along with our 2016 preps and Grade 5 students. It would be good to have some prep families from this year to help, as new families may have questions they would like to ask this year’s prep families.
Please click here to volunteer and specify Tabloid Sports Day
We are looking for parents with a current Working With Children Check to assist at our House Sports Day and in Kids Cafe on Friday 9th December.
Please click here to volunteer
Please specify HOUSE SPORTS DAY and nominate either Kids Café or Event and Time AM / PM.
Year 5 & 6 Sports Tops are now available in store Retail Price $44.95
Dear Parents,
Below is the class roster for the rest of the school year. Please click here to volunteer for any of the dates below.
The Kids’ Cafe Team
Term 4
11th 5/6S
18th all Preps & Grade 1
25th all grades 2 & 3
Dec 2nd all Grades 4, 5 & 6
9th cleaning - all welcome
Working With Children Check Reminder
All parents/guardians, visitors & volunteers to the school MUST sign in & out of the school and display their WWCC in a lanyard, which is available at the school office.
The Department of Education requires any person involved in an activity where children may be present to have a current WWCC or have supplied proof that they have applied for a WWCC with the Department of Justice. All schools are required to comply with the Working with Children Act 2005.
Volunteers are expected to carry the WWCC card on their person at all times when working or volunteering at the school or during school related activities.
There is no fee for this check. Apply now by visiting:
The Department of Education & Early Childhood Development and Mentone Park Primary School do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. They accept no responsibility for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them.
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