Dear Parents,
Welcome back to
all of our families to what promises to be another exciting term at MPPS. I
hope you had the chance to enjoy some quality time together and refresh for the
second half of the year.
Last Sunday
Noela attended a celebration of her 40 year commitment to education. Many of
you will remember her as the warm and welcoming Foundation teacher but one of
my first impressions of Mentone Park PS is thanks to her and the beautiful art
displays that line our corridor.
Thank you, Noela
for your amazing commitment not only to our school but to every single child
who has been lucky enough to share your passion as a life long learner.
If you haven’t
completed the online sign up yet there is still time to schedule an interview
with your children’s teacher. Communication is key to the successful
partnership between home and school. Please see FlexiBuzz for the login details to book your time.
It’s not too
late to grab a seat for our very exciting trivia night coming up on Saturday
August 5. Join a table or create your own for what promises to be a fun night.
Payment can be completed online via QKR and the sign-up sheets and table
arrangements are in the corridor near the office.
The Middle
School Camp to Angahook Holiday Camp in Aireys Inlet is fast approaching and I
know the students are getting excited by the discussions I am hearing as I walk
through their new learning space. The camping program is an important part of
our curriculum and provides the students with a new set of skills and
experiences that they will remember long after their time at primary school has
It may seem like
the year has only just started but plans are already being discussed for 2018.
If you have a child who will be starting Foundation next year, or you know
another family with a 2018 Foundation student could you please come to the
office to get your enrolment forms. This will assist us with our planning and
enable all students to participate in transition activities during terms 3 and
Could all parents please take care and note of the road safety signs around our school, especially during drop off and pick up. Whilst it can be a little busy during these peak periods, our ultimate wish is that all students arrive safely to school and are prepared for a challenging and rewarding day of learning. Please also be aware that the staff car park should not be used as a path to the school buildings as there are paths that allow for the safe passage of pedestrians. The staff car park should also only be accessed by school or Department of Education employees, as per the sign on the front gate.
Thank you for your consideration because as I said, your safety is our priority.
The Parent Opinion Survey is completed annually by the Department of Education and Training and is conducted amongst a sample of randomly selected parents at every school in Victoria. This year, about 30 per cent of parents will be invited to participate. All responses to the survey are anonymous. The survey helps our school gain an understanding of how you view our school climate, student engagement, and relationships. Our school will use the results to inform future school planning and improvement strategies.
The survey will be conducted online by ORIMA Research Pty Ltd, taking approximately 15 minutes to complete. It can be accessed from Monday 7th August to Sunday 27th August. The survey is available in English, Arabic, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Chin (Hakha) and Hindi. Results will be sent back to school at the end of September.
Due to a variety
of circumstances our Curriculum Day planned for August 1st has been postponed. Please
stay tuned for a new date later this term. The focus will be centered around
student health and wellbeing, where staff will be reviewing our current
curriculum programs and updating our current best practice.PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS
Could all parents please take care and note of the road safety signs around our school, especially during drop off and pick up. Whilst it can be a little busy during these peak periods, our ultimate wish is that all students arrive safely to school and are prepared for a challenging and rewarding day of learning. Please also be aware that the staff car park should not be used as a path to the school buildings as there are paths that allow for the safe passage of pedestrians. The staff car park should also only be accessed by school or Department of Education employees, as per the sign on the front gate.
Thank you for your consideration because as I said, your safety is our priority.
Mentone Park
Primary School are once again participating in the Woolworth’s Earn and Learn
promotion. Parents who shop at Woolworths stores are asked to collect the “Earn
and Learn Stickers” from Wednesday 26 July 2017 and bring them to the school
office. In 2015 we received many excellent resources for the children to use
and we would like to take advantage of this promotion once again. You will find
the box just inside the office door.PARENT OPINION SURVEY
The Parent Opinion Survey is completed annually by the Department of Education and Training and is conducted amongst a sample of randomly selected parents at every school in Victoria. This year, about 30 per cent of parents will be invited to participate. All responses to the survey are anonymous. The survey helps our school gain an understanding of how you view our school climate, student engagement, and relationships. Our school will use the results to inform future school planning and improvement strategies.
The survey will be conducted online by ORIMA Research Pty Ltd, taking approximately 15 minutes to complete. It can be accessed from Monday 7th August to Sunday 27th August. The survey is available in English, Arabic, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Chin (Hakha) and Hindi. Results will be sent back to school at the end of September.
Best Wishes
Cameron Agars
We have managed to secure a psychologist, Maria Light, through Engage One on One Psychology to come to school once a week to once a fortnight (depending on need) who can work with students during the school day (on a Wednesday) at no cost to parents.The Psychologists at Engage One on One use evidence based ‘cognitive behaviour therapy’ to work through practical strategies and new skills for dealing with life’s many challenges.
Providing this service to our students aims to help them develop ongoing emotional resilience, improved self-confidence, and a positive approach to engaging with life.
Some of the aims of introducing this at Mentone Park are for students to:
- Become more self-confident and feel in control of their world
- Shift away from feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or vulnerable
- Become more personally resourceful and resilient
- Increase self-awareness and promote emotional intelligence
- Improve social interaction skills and clearer communication
- Foster rational thinking and develop better coping mechanisms
- Promote positive attitudes and self-assurance
- Improve the quality of relationships with friends and family
- Create a clearer sense of life ambitions and long term goals
If you are interested in your child being able to access this service, you just need to visit your GP for a Mental Health Plan. Once I have the Mental Health Plan I can add the child’s name to the list to be seen within the next one to two weeks.
If you would like any more information on the service, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time.
Throughout semester one, we saw the Play is the Way philosophy become the cornerstone of our Behaviour Education and Self Management approach. We see Behaviour Education and Self Management as a responsibility of the entire school community. Students, parents and teachers need to have a clear understanding of what is expected, in regards to how we treat each other, to ensure a welcoming learning environment that is supportive and safe.
“Behaviour education is most effective when built into, not onto curriculum.”
Our belief is that the Play is the Way program is the most effective way to achieve our objective of socially and emotionally competent children.
“Behaviour is shaped by the sum total of regular and frequent lessons that create small but meaningful changes over a long and sustained period of time.”
-Wilson McCaskill (Founder – Play is the Way)
Each teacher or team of teachers selects a game to be implemented during Play is the Way time. This happens for around one hour a week – it may be 4 x 15 minute sessions, 3 x 20 minute sessions, 2 x 30 minute sessions or 1 hour long session. Teachers implement the same game across the area. Activities and games change weekly. Students also participate in Play is the Way activities during Performing Arts and PE as an element of their lesson. There are also other activities within Play is the Way that are classroom based and promote open, thoughtful discussion and problem solving.During all games sessions teachers are asked to make at least one observation that makes students reflect about how the game is going. By implementing careful questioning and respectful suggestions we encourage more meaningful conversations around students’ behaviour.
We believe that the language we use, when correcting children on their behaviour, is key to creating opportunities for students to accept responsibility for their actions, make correct choices and develop resilience. This language is becoming firmly embedded throughout our school. Perhaps you have heard the students talking using some of the self-regulating language they are learning and becoming accustomed to.
When dealing with children, it’s important to maintain your composure and speak in a calm manner whilst utilising the 6 key questions of the Play is the Way Self-Mastery Checklist. All members of staff at MPPS are embedding this common language across the school, in and out of the classroom.
Staff members talk in a way that allows students to reflect – not react, and should behave in a way that allows students to accept – not defend. We use language prompts and language that encourages self-control. Teachers also take the time to use language prompts to re-direct behaviour both in front of the class and individually.
Examples of Reflective Language:
Stay tuned for more information!
We believe that the language we use, when correcting children on their behaviour, is key to creating opportunities for students to accept responsibility for their actions, make correct choices and develop resilience. This language is becoming firmly embedded throughout our school. Perhaps you have heard the students talking using some of the self-regulating language they are learning and becoming accustomed to.
When dealing with children, it’s important to maintain your composure and speak in a calm manner whilst utilising the 6 key questions of the Play is the Way Self-Mastery Checklist. All members of staff at MPPS are embedding this common language across the school, in and out of the classroom.
Staff members talk in a way that allows students to reflect – not react, and should behave in a way that allows students to accept – not defend. We use language prompts and language that encourages self-control. Teachers also take the time to use language prompts to re-direct behaviour both in front of the class and individually.
Examples of Reflective Language:
- “Right thing or wrong thing to do?”
- “Strong decision or weak moment decision?”
- “Feelings or thinking in charge?”
- "Am I trying to hurt you or help you?”
- “Are you running away from the problem or dealing with it?”
- “Being your own boss or asking me to be the boss?”
Stay tuned for more information!
Alison Lough
Assistant Principal
Dear Parents & Guardians,
Please note all signed permission forms and any payment must be given directly to your child/ren’s teachers. This allows the teachers to check and mark off each child’s permission form and payment.
Payments for Excursions/Incursions can be made via Qkr under School Payments using the EXCURSIONS 2017 TAB
Families can enter the amount they owe and also add a note e.g CERES Excursion
Spare clothing
Please ensure that you pack extra underwear and clothing for your child/ren. Due to OHS guidelines, we are no longer allowed to provide underwear.
Payments for Excursions/Incursions can be made via Qkr under School Payments using the EXCURSIONS 2017 TAB
Families can enter the amount they owe and also add a note e.g CERES Excursion
Spare clothing
Please ensure that you pack extra underwear and clothing for your child/ren. Due to OHS guidelines, we are no longer allowed to provide underwear.
Please feel free to phone or come into the office if you have any questions.
We are more than happy to assist with showing you how to use Qkr and Flexibuzz.
Thank you,
Patti, Jane and Trish
Patti, Jane and Trish
Administration Team
Orders for Issue 5 are due back 4 August

All parents/guardians, visitors & volunteers to the school MUST sign in & out of the school and display their WWCC in a lanyard, which is available at the school office.
The Department of Education requires any person involved in an activity where children may be present to have a current WWCC or have supplied proof that they have applied for a WWCC with the Department of Justice. All schools are required to comply with the Working with Children Act 2005.
Volunteers are expected to carry the WWCC card on their person at all times when working or volunteering at the school or during school related activities.
There is no fee for this check. Apply now by visiting:
The Department of Education & Early Childhood Development and Mentone Park Primary School do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. They accept no responsibility for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them.
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