27 July 2015


Dear Parent/s,
You may have received an invitation in the mail yesterday to participate in the 2015 Parent Opinion Survey.  Parents are randomly selected to receive the survey.
You are encouraged to complete the survey and return to school by the due date - Friday 31st July.
The survey is designed to take no more than 20 minutes to complete and your feedback and opinions play an important role in making our school the best it can possibly be.  We are currently using results of previous surveys to assist with our school review and plan our direction for our new Strategic Plan.
When completed please seal your survey in the envelope provided and write your child’s name and year level on the back of the envelope.  Your child’s name will only be used to record that you have returned the survey.  The sealed envelope will not be opened by the school and will be sent to an independent organisation for collation and reporting. 

Thank you for taking the time to participate, your assistance is greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or queries about the survey.

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